
2 Post – 128 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Dr. Disrespect?

Yeah I think the masses are going to be a tough sell on Linux until computer manufacturers start offering Linux builds with a pre-installed instance.

Everyone's family needs a tech geek to install Linux on a brand new computer.

Oh, remember the good old Nexus 7. Had only a fraction of its performance 1-2 years down the line...

Hahaha. Shit, I didn't even get that far before the touch digitalizer broke. Maybe 8 months in and dead.

I got mad because my mom bought it in the US. Didn't sell in my country. What a piece of shit.

Edit: It was made by ASUS!

Everything Dell is just garbage.

I remember subbing to r/dell and all you ever saw was people with problems with Dell/Alienware hardware.

The web browser doesn't care if the application is behind one, two or three rproxies. If I can still get to your application and guess your password or exploit a known vulnerability in your application then it's game over.


Your castle can have many walls of protection but if you leave the doors/ports open, people/traffic just passes through.


Good thing I use to debloat windows 10 on a local account and got rid of onedrive before it could wreck havok so.

But got to be honest, Far as long as I can remember, I always had backup of important data. Encryption - client side if off to the cloud.

Shit I'm so old that I prefer my music on HDD instead of using streaming services.

Using Linux nowadays too BTW.

Sorry to break the spell but Windows 12 will be worse. Might even be subscription based.

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Hehehe. That's just plain mean.

Firefox for the win. Or Librewolf even better.

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The way Google is starting to abuse its position of power to crackdown on its users, its really comes to show the cracks in its armour.

It's the beginning of the end for Google.

Long live open source software!

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Well of course. Now all your traffic goes through proxies to Google's servers for analytics.

100℅ data harvesting.

Genius move by Google. Even calls it a security/privacy measure!

They will succeed too. Most of the human race are Neanderthals anyway. Couldn't care less.

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Social media as it's worse.

Facebook, Instagram, X and WhatsApp, all toxic waste.

At least there are platforms like Lemmy, where people (most of the time) share knowledge in an "anonymous" environment, which is actually brilliant for passing on information to the next man, without the toxication and promotion of suicidal tendencies.

Social media in the common sence always was a cancer in our modern society.

One of the best thing I did till this day was to never have open a Facebook account. I see that as a personal merit!

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Quad9 is a non-logger. (duh)

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Google Maps as well. Very inaccurate at times.

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I9's - 1000w powerdraw for guaranteed boosting capabilities.

Problem is, no thermal solution for this fire hazard is yet to be invented.

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Oh no! They did an Intel move.

Librewolf and Signal user.

A man of culture I see.

IPhone scans your photos even!

They say its to protect the children.


Valorant is a fucking awful game with über ban techniques when you force quit a game for some reason, like needing to go to the bathroom in middle of game play.

I can't understand anyone can accept such a thing.

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That's hilarious!

Funny j just got one today.

Of course I did my part!

First steam survey I ever got and I have been on steam as long as I can remember.

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Freetube for the win. Built in sponsor block.

Looks like a great business plan to me.

Edit: Firefox is a great option for more privacy.

Librewolf is a hardened fork of Firefox, but not for everyone. Although I am very happy with it personally.

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Oh no! That will fuck up my muscle memory!

Oh wait!

I don't use Winblows! Ufa!

Edit: seriously though, this whole AI super spyware baked into Windows is a privacy violation on a whole different level.

Too bad most ppl don't give a fuck.


Yep. The world is full of trash, that's for sure.

Linux Desktop is the future, might as well start to get familiar with it now, why wait?

Just like Linux is the great leader in server space.

I never had a facebook account.

Swear to God.

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Does anyone remember K.I.T.T from Knight Rider in the 80's?

Same steering wheel! Haha

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Hahaha good one!

Yeah, its one of the first things that gets nuked from orbit on a fresh Windows install.

Eternity - The new name of Infinity for Lemmy, which is a fork from Infinity for Reddit.

I even have imported my settings from the original.

Or Syncthing if they want to sync gb's of files between computers.

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The new kernel driver 545 is constantly throwing error on cold boot. It will reach a workable desktop though.

If I reboot after the cold boot, the driver loads normally without error.

This is the first time I see information at startup about the nVidia driver loading.

Edit: I'll just buy a AMD card next time and be done with this crap.

Also on a side note, I can't even logon to a Wayland session, like ever. The desktop is black with only the cursor and after a couple of seconds Kwin always crashes.

I'll stay on x11 for now.

I personally wouldn't be concerned at all. They have a good track record.

Yeah, my exact feelings as well.

Why on earth would I advertise my life to a bunch of strangers.

Before FB, IRC was the thing with nicknames - all text based, as you mentioned.

Those were the days.

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One more gaming PC with Linux for adding to those higher stats of Tux ;)

Still not going back to Windows!


Restarting anything with a chip in it once and a while is good practice.

Sorry man.

I swear my comment was not personal!


The Epic logout issue is fixed now!