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Joined 7 months ago

Those watermarks are so obnoxious. I wish people would turn that setting off if they're going to save and share them; or at least crop it out. I guess it's a pet peeve of mine, lol. It irritates me more than it should.

Hahaha we sound very similar. I've definitely told stories like that to my close friends thinking they're funny and they're horrified.

The sight or sound of someone, especially a man, taking off their belt still triggers the ol' CPTSD decades later lmao.

Anyway, that was a great example. I grew up in a similar place with similar gun culture as them, and had to figure out for myself what you mentioned in your comment. I definitely think a bit of that is at play here.

I enjoyed that Bleach7293 fun fact! Thank you for that


Being from (and stuck in) Oklahoma, I understand and I feel for you.

What the fuck?

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I have the Samsung Galaxy Buds Plus and their app has an option to disable touches, so that's what I do, because I'm the same as you. I bought them used and have been using them on a daily basis for at least three years and they're still working well. Might be something to look into. I hope you find something that works for you!

I like the way your brain works.

Yep, that's what I'm guessing, too.

I think they're wrong. I use it through F-droid and still get updates. The most recent was within the past couple weeks.

I forgot to mention in my other mess of a comment, but just in case you don't know: a lot of times you can get Ensure prescribed and covered by insurance. IIRC there's Gatorade-like electrolyte drink options you may be able to get covered, too. It might help free up some money for other things

Thank you for doing that. Thank you for making an effort to understand him. Like a parent should! Thank you so much! I genuinely mean it. 💖

I've been getting the same thing! Usually in the morning, too. It's very annoying. Glad to know I'm not alone, at least?

It sounds like we're dealing with super similar things, except sometimes I can manage to eat some solid foods, and sometimes I can even keep it down! I survive on Ensure and electrolyte drinks like Gatorade/Liquid IV/Pedialyte, too. I've got a low weight but kinda bloated or distended (for lack of a better word - I've got intense brain fog, I'm sorry) gut area, too. I've got some theories* but I don't have the money or resources or energy to try the chaos of doctors throwing things at me to see what sticks, or suggesting stupid shit I already tried a million times, or blaming it on me somehow, lol. So I'm just kind of dealing with it because of a mix of lack of money/resources and being burned out by the experiences of being 'mysteriously' chronically i'll and trying to seek medical care. I hope and pray you figure it out soon and don't get burned out!

*I'd like to suggest looking further into one of my theories/something someone else mentioned in that thread, because I've found that the way it affects a lot of people isn't super well reflected by the stuff you usually find when reading about it, but I don't want to disrespect your wishes! If you're interested, let me know, and if not, I'd totally understand. I know how people can get with their unsolicited advice and how annoying and exhausting it can be, even if they're just trying to help lol.

I wish you all the best and I'm sorry you're dealing with this. I hope the Mayo Clinic can help figure something out. I totally suck at replying and stuff because of my health issues, but you're welcome to message me (or I can give you my email or number to text or discord or something, if you'd like) whenever you want to vent or anything to someone who has some understanding and overlapping experiences. Also I hope this all makes sense and isn't too much of a mess to read - burn out and brain fog and stuff makes it tough to gather and convey my thoughts. But I wanted to at least try to say something because our experiences our so damn similar!! I really feel for you.

What's your favorite flavor of ensure? I usually go for the Milk Chocolate (of the Plus variety since it has more calories and protein and all that.) Also I don't know if you can stomach Pedialyte, but there's a variety that has prevital prebiotics (or something like that - brain fog again, I apologize) and I don't know if they make any difference, but I figure it's probably good for my stomach issues. I dunno, just throwing that out there.

I wish you all the best and I'm sorry this comment is such a mess!! Please don't feel any obligation to reply 💕

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Hey, remember to spin up a container!

That's what I thought, too. I've still been getting updates for it and, like you said, just got one very recently. I love that app! I got my mom to use it, and she loves it, too.


I am also looking forward to your brand muffin recipe! I have the same type of air fryer oven thing, I love it!

Dammit. Now I want Cheetos...

Ooh, and it's a neat website, too! I wanna dig into those posts later so I'm commenting in hopes that it helps me remember lol

Same here. I just couldn't think of anything and I didn't wanna reuse a name. I also wasn't entirely sure if I'd stick around, so it didn't feel super important. Oh well!

You just got me curious, so I looked it up...

According to my searching, $6,000,000 in 1973, when the show started, is equal to about $43,305,317.65 in 2024. That's one expensive man.

Yup. They're just doing their job the way they're supposed to so they don't get fired and can afford crazy shit like food or a roof over their head. We shouldn't make it any harder for them if we can reasonably help it.

I usually just do whatever they ask again anyway, even though I already tried it all before I called, because I wouldn't be surprised if I just fucked up or had a brain fart or something, lol. Plus it doesn't usually take much effort to just reset my router again or whatever.

Holy shit. Why are people the way that they are!?

Oooh, I look forward to listening to this when I can! Commenting in hopes that it helps me remember to when I can. The genre/description and album art have me very interested. Thanks for sharing it here!

I believe they were called ringback tones. Those were neat.



I can do both of those and I can do it with my collarbone up against my neck. I do it accidentally all the time while leaning over and it catches me off guard all the time...and makes me giggle, because I am very mature.

Finally, someone who gets me! I'm the exact same way.

Hahaha, that's exactly what I'm doing now! Lying here trying to get myself to get up out of my warm bed, into the cold, and go pee so I can lay back down.

It doesn't help that this weather is painful hell on my joints & I keep waking up in an intense panic that leaves me super anxious for ages. Why must our bodies be the way they are!? I want a refund.

Huh, that's a neat article. Thanks for linking it!

Garlic bread.

Mine is the same way and I get the exact same messages.

That's ridiculous, messed up, and sad. I'm really sorry that happened and I'm sorry they killed your wonderful enthusiasm. :( That kinda breaks my heart a little. Why do people have to be such needlessly mean turd faces?

An awesome shitty 80s cock rock band! (I adore that garbage)

What's this about asses?

Rectum. I'm pretty sure that's what the R stands for, right? I can't remember... Maybe it's rectal.

I wholeheartedly agree. I wish more people appreciated it like it deserves!

Fuck yeah. This is an awesome comment. I appreciate you! Keep fighting the good fight.