
19 Post – 88 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

10 years of angularjs, angulat, react, and c# answers to problems just disapeared from reddit last week as i wiped all my accounts

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I posted this previously elsewhere.

The statement from r/watchredditdie when they closed the sub really put things in perspective for me.

Steve Huffman and Alexis Ohanian have gone so far as to renege on their promise of listing Aaron Swartz among Reddit, Inc’s founders. Such an egregious breach of contract - only performed once their agreed-upon co-founder no longer walked the earth - could only be carried out by immoral individuals acting in fundamental bad faith. In this way and so many others, Reddit is dead.

youtube has a delete option that will wipe the recorded trend. then just watch a couple of videos and subscribe to some healthy stuff.

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I posted this previously elsewhere.

The statement from r/watchredditdie when they closed the sub really put things in perspective for me.

Steve Huffman and Alexis Ohanian have gone so far as to renege on their promise of listing Aaron Swartz among Reddit, Inc’s founders. Such an egregious breach of contract - only performed once their agreed-upon co-founder no longer walked the earth - could only be carried out by immoral individuals acting in fundamental bad faith. In this way and so many others, Reddit is dead.

worth noting you can sign the CLA and you vote is not just a protest but a legitimate vote.

Fake news, these are all crisis actors. They didn't even try I've seen many of these people in movies!

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What I find hilarious about this report is that they point out differences between Islamist terror groups and right wing terror groups that aren't differences just different stages. I dealt with this professionally and all those Islamist groups started out exactly like the right wing groups. They found support from imams who generally aligned with their ideology. The imams would have funding through charity organizations run through the mosques. They would begin funding people within the mosque that were interested in this type of activism. It didn't start with suicide bombings right out the gate it progressed fairly naturally and fundamentalist activist found funding through fundamentalist mosques and Islamic charities then nation states found they could donate to these charities and escalate matters in foreign adversaries domestically. This is not only identical to Islamic terrorism its following the exact same path to a potential Daesh being born in these countries. I already foresee the potential for christian evangelist to attempt to create a caliphate. Literally Hyung Jin Moon is attempting this right now with the Gun Church.

EDIT: Whats interesting as well is earlier western action massively escalated those groups and radicalized them further. It will be interesting to see if anyone in power learned a damn thing from our past mistakes.

I like to think of it in the sense that they are saying the children are being saved from this psychopath. Like “Can you believe this fuck procreated?”

So Anheuser-Busch is doing absolutely fine better than last years and last quarter. What I find absolutely HILARIOUS is these morons switching to other Anheuser-Busch brands in protest. Despite mostly fake news about their demise. They will eventually all just forget about this and move on to their new stupid thing.The dip from this was so small that there wasn't even really an opportunity to make any money off it. it valleyed at 53 just before a record high of 66 the month prior but its already bouncing back at 58. I wouldn't invest right now unless you're looking long-term because they ain't going nowhere. Also Bud Light sucks why do these idiots drink this shit.

I think its a statistical loss if we rely on denocracy. The stupid far outnumber the rational.

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I'm pretty conflicted about this I gotta say.

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right so considering we've been seeing alarming loss of ice mass over the last couple of years and we know that has an exponential effect on climate change. We already hit the tipping point just most people didn't realize it.

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Not exactly what happened they made a bot that will take a limited set of commands but you not actually a mod. It's more of a joke (obviously). All you can really do is lock and unlock and remove comments for people under a certain score

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They did the same thing to admins of other major subreddits even before the blackout. They also removed initial posts regarding it on major subreddits. Thats why I chose to leave.

I still think the "saudi's paid elon to nuke it" was a solid conspiracy theory.

Also fucking look around for the most part he returned stability to our lives. The only thing continually threatening it is the right and the consequences of them being in power.

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Hate to add to this but we have more recently learned that after the fall of the weimar republic the first target was the trans community. The arguments being made today and the actions being taken are arguments against that communities right to exist. Their have already been shootings based purely on the political leanings of the victim even neighbors shooting neighbors.

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well the right thinks anything that makes you not exactly like them is a crime. Including thinking and having different opinions and ideas. Therefore they do adhere?

I think you might be leaning towards the paradox of intolerance and the recent solution for it which has become very popular.

A tolerant society must be intolerant of intolerance.

This philosophical concept seems paradoxical but actually it's been solved via another philosophical concept. The social contract. Hate speech in almost every instance violates the social contract thus putting those who engage in it in violation of the social contract. It is not being intolerant at that juncture to remove that person from society. It is not intolerance but a violation of contractual obligation.

I disagree but only because I've seen it showed to me by my friends who are super into this. When games were made for TV and consoles especially in the late 80's and 90's they did things that took advantage of the analog nature Cathode Tubes used to display the image. Not every game took advantage of these techniques but the ones that do are nothing short of amazing when you think about it. They make filters these days that emulate some of these effects but analog is still analog and isn't something a digital display can always emulate regardless of resolution. I would say for most people it just doesn't matter that much but if your a retro gamer you want the OG experience. It's difficult to emulate these analog techniques because they are specific to an era and the techniques can sometimes be unique or trial and error by the devs.

There are other things as well for example light guns which just straight do not work on a newer display. Games that had live action recorded video look hilarious because the same techniques that were used to make things look better were applied in make up form to the actors.

What is a bit sad is the specific techniques these developers used aren't being well recorded and documented which I think would be very useful for future emulation and filtering.

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The apparatus should face justice as well as be evaluated. I could argue the electoral college system had one useful trait and that was to be a hedge against populist politicians. In this event that system has been shown the be ineffective. A political party has been able to weaponize stupidity against our nation.

the admins are using their powers to remove things.

China would happily attack Taiwan and would have already if it weren't for the backdraft they would receive from trade partners and for the horrendous outcome of the Ukraine war. They are desperate to conquer Taiwan and getting hold of their semiconductor manufacturing facilities is a wet dream for the Chinese.

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lol well if you knew your history you would know they tried and failed. The PLA lost at the battle of Guningtou which effectively halted their advance towards Taiwan. Then the Korean War started and completely changed their priorities for years to come. Ever since then it's been a back and forth arms race of Taiwan's ROC maintaining a sufficient military readiness up to around 1980 as to deter China from taking action. Then the US got heavily involved and Taiwan became a center for semi conductor manufacture. It became a critical partner for countries around the world because of this and this bolstered the ROC's access to advanced western military equipment and help from nations dependent on Taiwanese industry also China itself became a major trade partner with Taiwan(bizarre right?). But the new CCP and PLA leadership of today are not like their counterparts of the past. Pooh Bear is a true despot who really wants the one China dream and cares little for the people. He has expressed real interest in aggression regardless of cost and needs a distraction to economic woes. Much like his Slavic counterpart's dream of reuniting the USSR pooh also has the One China bug hence actions taken in Hong Kong. He would have been all to happy to conduct and all out invasion and there was real evidence he planned to do so; However, the Ukrainian response I believe took them by surprise and Taiwan is much better prepared to repel an attack than Ukraine was.

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this is a bullshit article. poll suggest a lot of things and this poll is awful. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/

Boris Epshteyn

Would make sense as he is a Russian asset I would have to wonder who was really doing the recruiting here lol.

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He absolutely would not have a point here. She would not face these sorts of consequences regardless for the same reason Pence, Biden, Bush, and numerous others have not. When it was discovered they may have had confidential information they and were asked and they immediately began cooperating with officials. Not so for Trump. In addition the type and scale of that classified information is in a class all its own in this case. You cannot use an past events for comparison in this case because it is completely unprecedented the disregard for law and the norms is on a whole different level from anything that has come before it.

The green party has been for the last decade funded by the GOP run PACs as a means to siphon left leaning votes. Don't be a fool.

Can we just throw this dude in the colosseum and get an example of how it was historicly used. I dont think this ones contributing much else.

Public let me ask you anything PLAYA

I’d like to make the community more focused on quality content. This means promoting posts that are well-written, informative, and thought-provoking. - what does this mean who is writing posts here?

I’d like to make the community more welcoming to people from all walks of life. This means being more inclusive of people from different cultures, religions, and LGBTQ communities. - was it not before?

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There’s a lot of noise with this one. Among the noisiest we’ve seen.

your just noise.

I'd never had a gun before I joined the army After I got out I was shocked to learn gun without a safety were a thing. Still just seems insane to me even though I get why they don't.

I think they are failing to emphasize the novel method Ukraine used to attack. Using submersible drones. Ukraine has been trying to build a drone navy.

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its a divider issue they don't give a shit they just know they can maintain the religious vote with it while they rob everyone blind. They've also figured out making places not worth living in for progressives will drive them out of their districts.

I think that is not publicly known.

They did the same thing to admins of other major subreddits even before the blackout. They also removed initial posts regarding it on major subreddits.

Who are these people who simultaneously care about titties and also want to see less of them?

so a real question if a one instance decided to setup for advertising and used that money to pay mods would that be acceptable?

The growth here is all that really matters. Anything else is irrelevant. People should focus more on the success of this community rather than the failure of another. If your mad at reddit and truly think others can do better elsewhere. Here is elsewhere let's make it better.