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Joined 1 years ago

Honestly I think I'll go full hoarder with YouTube archivist and find a way to stream/synchronize on my devices. I mostly use YouTube to go to sleep so there is no way I go back to videos being interrupted by loud ass ads.

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I love how not ordering product from him is an "attack"

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"Damn, I thought mental illness was in the knees"

My guess is that they are severely understaffed. Happens when the new boss is a noob in the industry and fires the people he needs...

No. I don't mean to be rude but most of that message is wrong.

VC Money is very much not drying up. 2023 has seen record rounds in most markets. What is drying up is "VC Money for early stage startups with no revenue, no traction, and barely a functional idea", but even that is not new it has been going on since at least 2018. Remember that guy who raised 1.5M$ with an app that just let you say "Yo" to your contacts ? That was 10 years ago. Those times are dead and buried.

Then the link between VC markets health and interest rates is... contentious to say the least. VCs don't borrow money - they raise funds from family offices and individual investors, every 2 or 3 years. So every change to the financial landscape will have a progressive effect over 3 years, not a brutal one after a few months. Also you have to bear in mind that the people who bankroll VCs are looking for performance of at least 2X over 10 years. Interests would have to go up to 7% to even be in competition with VC investment. Of course there's a psychological aspect to investment so the effet is not ZERO but it's not as automatic as saying "interest go up => vc dry up".

Finally, the companies we are talking about are in vastly different situations and not necessarily looking for VC money. There is no explaining their behaviour with a single cause, what we're seeing is probably a cluster effect, because executives are like fish they always follow the movement of the other fish in their field.

  • Youtube has been profitable for years and is part of Google which is massively profitable. VC Money has no bearing on their decisions - they are in a quasi-monopoly with no credible competition and want to squeeze their users out of greed
  • Reddit has a long and complicated cap table including some very powerful institutional investors so they are aiming at an IPO rather than more VC money. They're in a pretty good place actually with 1.5 billion MAU, and in the process of shaking off the 10% of hardcore users who are super hostile to monetization. Their monetization is so low (<2$/month/user, when the competition is 10 to 20 times higher) that they could bear to lose 50% of their userbase and still make bank with the remaining ones. They don't need VC money right now.
  • Twitter is... uh... well there's no telling what Elon is up to but he is absolutely not raising any VC money especially after the shit he's pulled off since the buy-off. I think it's just a bunch of bad moves because he's inept at the social media game.
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I used to play extreme music some 15 years ago and by God 80% of our humour was variations of calling each other f*gs. It's quite sad cause we didn't have an ounce of préjudice in us we were just wankers with dead end jobs and shit guitars. We met up with the boys a couple months ago and reminisced there was a lot of cringing...

This is not public information, you won't know anything about that until the next quarterly reports. That being said if you go to the front page right now it seems pretty much like business as usual.

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Hey man don't overthink it. You need a meta product for work or for a project, just use it professionally. You need to think about your own success and go where your audience is.

Now on your personal time if you don't want the toxicity of those places come to the fediverse and let's have a nice chat.

I think the goal of the fediverse is not to eat the world but on the contrary to give us alternatives so we can compartmentalize our internet life.

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No cause we don't advocate for them to be punished in any way. We just don't want to fuck them.

It's just that there's always something. Always someone inventing problems or trying to skirt any minor inconvenience, real or perceived, by sheer laziness.

Yesterday it was masks and today it's the fucking toilet, tomorrow what will it be? Handicapped ramps? I don't think you hate trans people but you're in that tiny minority of joyless ghouls that would rather piss off everybody than move a muscle to accommodate a need they don't have.

It's shit attitude and when I read this kind of take I just think "how do these poor people even function at work if they can't align on a simple thing like that".

You know the company and the users are completely divorced when you read something like that. Redditors have spent years telling each other that awards are useless and a waste of money - then the admins touch it and everybody flips their lid. I for one am glad I'm no longer part of that toxic relationship.

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Yes! Very much this. Imagine if lemmy would grow to just a few million users. That's the size of Digg when the migration to Reddit happened! Not everything needs to have a billion users and there's more engagement in small communities anyway.

I'm right there with you. I can already foresee that their apps will be prioritizing monetized users like content creators and everything in there will be a transaction of some sort. Who cares, you just have to block their instances and go about your merry way.

I'm a theoretical physicist and I can predict most dropped objects will fall to the floor

Kind of shameful but there is this one porn movie I used to have on a CDR that got lost between apartments. It's stupid cause it's #17 of a 20+ series and you can find #16 and #18 in like 2 minutes, but this one has disappeared from the face of the internet. The studio stopped listing it some time ago then they were bought out and the new owners never listed that one. Believe it or not I literally sent an email to the male star of the movie, but he never responded. There goes my holy grail. It must have gone out of stock and maybe the masters got lost or something. I know one rip was made at some point cause I found a filename in a listing, but it is long lost. Farewell lost porn 🙋‍♂️ farewell...

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Let's be realistic here, there's very little chance that a significant portion of users migrate out. It's cool. We don't have to obsess about our ex.

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What do you mean? Usenet was insanely popular back in the day, and not reserved to techies at all. All you needed was an email client, it was way easier than the fediverse, and a million times more polished.

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Watching a few episodes I also realized that he doesn't do shit. The builder and the garbage truck do all the work but don't get a fraction of the hype. I'd say it's a pretty accurate show.

I think it might be the opposite. If extreme content is kind of "default" when the algorithm doesn't know what to give you, them starving it off history might push it into that default more often. I have a very used YouTube account with a metric ton of history and honestly I very rarely see that kind of content. (From Europe though so it might be different)

The whole point of open protocols is that anyone can use it. Just block any instance you don't like and you're good!

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Nah I'm pretty sure he got some preferential liquidation a few times and is cash rich.

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But America is like the most right wing developed country 🤔

I think they're operating under the assumption that there is no shortage of people willing to work for clout on a leading social media. They think the users they lose are replaceable and you know what it's not an unreasonable expectation. It sucks but that's just the way it is, there will always be people willing to post memes and delete nazi comments.

Only time will tell, but it's not uncommon to kick out power users when they get uppity and think they run your platform. Way easier/cheaper to fire unpaid volunteers than tech-bros with Silicon Valley salaries.

Is there some source on advertisers leaving in droves? I've heard a couple stories on people (big accounts ands advertisers) loudly leaving but is it really a noticeable trend? I wonder if there's some publicly accessible way of knowing that.

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Yeah you're right that it wouldn't be immediately noticeable but just because a few thousands of us jumped to Lemmy doesn't mean there is any significant change on reddit. I checked on my most active communities and all the usual suspects are there, posting and commenting as usual. The amount of people that left reddit are probably a fraction of a percent.

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Also digg peaked at maybe 8 million users which is a much more manageable migration.

"here's how to tell which one" so this guy has solved VC investment. Got it.

Wdym I can find all manner of dangerous shit by googling for five minutes

De la France, de la force or maybe even de la farce

I like the kind of revival of nice TUIs that is going on right now. I just wish it continues !

Also they don't take no shit, compared to us who constantly apologize for existing

Oh man happy to help! And good luck on your game project, drop us a link sometime!

Yeah it's so funny to feel the need to have a "hot take" on branch naming. It's like if Joe from my team asked me to file some papers under the green folder rather than the red. I'd be like say no more Joe, green folder it is. I don't care but if somebody cares then they have their say. How do internet people even function in group with other people, with the constant contrarian attitude they carry around?

Out of the hundreds of millions of redditors i'm sure some people will pick up the slack of content creation and moderation. Now will they do a good enough job ? I don't know, i bet spez is betting they will, but only time will tell.

Did you go to therapy with hunter Thompson by any chance?

Google in panic mode cause they don't know if they'll be able to close their 10M$ round from local VCs 😱

Actually i found a phone number to the new studio so i might just give them a ring and ask about !

It's a French series called "Sacrées Coquines", volume 17 :D i doubt anybody's heard of it

I love that because it's such a cautionary tale about bad leadership. He was toxic towards Twitter for years then bought them and doubled down on shitting on them and calling them incompetent... Of course they hate his guts and maliciously comply now.

Plus they have this unique position of being able to serve niche ads right in the place where that niche happens. You don't really need to be a genius to make that work, even if you have shit algorithms, the targetting is done for free by just selecting the right subreddits. It is one of the rare places where actually useful advertising could happen, that's a market that's currently being served by nobody.

Exactly. I paid 15 bucks 12 years ago and got god knows how many thousands of hours out of it