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Who says the companies need to keep the servers running? The petition is "to keep games in a working state".

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I get that the OP asked a question, but did you have to answer it with this level of detail?

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CBD oil. It doesn't matter which exotic ailment you're talking about, someone will ask you if you've tried it and that they think it might help.

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Perfectly preserved? All that's left is is the skin which has turned into leather due to the acidic environment in the bog.

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True, but on the other hand, the drills or impact drivers are also getting stronger and stronger, so it's easier to mess up a screw. And then there's the driver bits, they're so bad these days that every new box of screws comes with a free bit.

This is written from an "I'm right, you're wrong" perspective. In real life, no one is running a drive off a cliff campaign, and the guy promising ice cream may not be able to deliver.

Also, fundamentally both left and right can make the argument the other side wants to run off a cliff.

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Meh, Richard Feynman wrote in his biography that he saw the first mushroom cloud through a car windshield during the Manhattan project, he lived for another 40-50 years.

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In the Netherlands, only one book I know of used to be banned (maybe it still is). The publishing rights of the work in question were claimed by the state in this instance, and they refused to allow publication of the book. The book in question was the Dutch translation of Hitlers "Mein Kampf".

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For me all the things you said about GIMP, but my biggest issue is how layers work in it. It is totally unintuitive to me. Last week I tried to edit some simple image in GIMP, basically pasting some small objects and touching them up. I couldn't get it to work properly, and would probably have redone it in Photoshop if it was to be used by more than three people for a short period.

I don't think it's Giant Salvinia, looks more like a floating mat to me.

Are you sure? Because that might say as much about you as about the people you know.

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Yeah, and not just molecular damage.

Don't go to Amsterdam.

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True, but also if you go to Amsterdam as a tourist, you'll end up in the tourist trap places. Shady coffee shops, tours of the red light district, and over priced bars where you have to pay for toilet usage. And you can be rushed through the Anne Frank house for a price.

Totally, especially since the Netherlands currently has a dimissionary cabinet. So the ministers are expected only to mind the store. Though I would be surprised Geert Wilders' PVV (the future expected governing party) to be against this, since he's always hinted at a "Jewish-Christian Tradition" of the Netherlands.

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He has a water cooled PC running arch, chances for an actual hubby are slim.

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They will go bankrupt, but the shareholders will already have cashed out and moved to the companies of the next country.

It's actually becoming less normal in a lot of places since every creep has a smartphone with a camera these days. Women have found their pictures or filmclips back on the internet, which was not the reason for going topless.

Also, it's been allowed in the last 50 - 60 years for most countries, not so much before.

I was confused, teef is the Dutch word for bitch (as in female dog).

I think you're right about black matter, it might just be the modern day aether. The asteroid theories not so much, there is proof for the dinosaur extinction event being caused by an asteroid, and there is a measurable anomaly in the earth core which gives evidence to the moon origin theory (which was not so much an asteroid but a Mars-sized object). Also, asteroids are considered proven to excist.

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I did not know that, so TIL. Apart from that, I would like someone to hold Kajsa Olongren accountable for asking how to by-pass the ban.

The windows zip functionality tends to mess up the zip files*, so I would be wary of the way it handles rar files.

* Example: xlsx files are zip files, so if you change the extension to zip, you can edit the contents of the file and then change it back. If you do this with the windows zip functionality, the Excel file will be broken. With 7-zip not so.

Fine by me. But please show me a clip of wild animals getting high from THC found in nature to prove your point, here's the drunk animals.

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Regarding the prefacing; it probably won't even work because people will read it as a "I'm not racist, but" kind of statement.

Regarding the problem you're stating; I've quickly after joining installed a tampermonkey script which allows me to hover over the name of an instance, magazine or user and display a small context menu where I can block them. Blocking certain magazines made all the difference for me.

Some guys I used to know used them to make music, as some sort of midi controller.

I hardly watch TV. I've seen some episodes over the years, and it's not for me. I don't hate it, but it just feels like someone trying to be edgy. It might be that I'm from Europe, so I can't really relate to a lot of stuff going on.

The site kissthisguy.com used to be a great source for this, but unfortunately today it's mostly a place for lyrics which may also fit the song.

It's not. In a christofascism, not everybody suffers. People just assume they will be in the not suffering group. If a bus runs off a cliff, not so much.

My actual opnion is that they don't want to think if they should, because they know the answer. The pressure to go public with a shitty model outweighs the responsibility to the people relying on the search results.

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But salary does not equal labour cost.

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As a Dutchman, do other countries not have rental places everywhere? Over here every diy store has a rental department, I'd guess this is universal?

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Because there was no life around yet the first time, and because the second time is was an actual asteroid instead of a planet.

LLM's may not have any intent, but companies do. In this case, Google decides to present the AI answer on top of the regular search answers, knowing that AI can make stuff up. MAybe the AI isn't lying, but Google definitely is. Even with the "everything is experimental, learn more" line, because they'd just give the information if they'd really want you to learn more, instead of making you have to click again for it.

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So I googled him, and in photo's he looks like the Dutch stereotype, or even a cliché, for a German.

Unfortunately, the people with no knowledge of tech will then proceed to judge if someone is innocent or guilty.

Disclaimer, I'm Dutch, so my view is an outside view;

I don't know if it's their achievement. It seems to me that in the USA you can choose for the conservatives who want to keep everything as it always was, including Russia as the bad guys and Israel as the ever lasting allie. Or you can chose for the conservatives who want to install a state religion and re-install segregation. The first group wants to be a global power with reach all over the world, the last group doesn't care for the rest of the world. With both groups the rich get richer.

It could have happened, if Helen Viola Jackson would have applied for the pension.

In fact, most scientists throughout history were Christians sponsored by the Catholic Church.

Which is why the dark ages is where all the science happened in Europe.

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Don't bother answering here, the THC crowd is downvoting everyone who says alcohol is easier to make. It feels like reddit to be honest.

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It's probably a great hobby, with pleasantly little potential to turn into a side hustle.