
13 Post – 212 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm just here for the funzies lul :D

Made me throw up, thanks :')

thank mr skeltal

Let's face it. Dude is just finding excuses left right and center. One time they said it was because "easy kernel modification could lead to cheating" this time it's because of "staff shortage" and next time it's because the planets aren't aligned.

When they announced EAC to be compatible with Linux they literally said " ... developers can activate anti-cheat support for Linux via Wine or Proton with just a few clicks in the Epic Online Services Developer Portal." (Source) and they know that the Linux community would likely tinker their way to get it working if they were to allow Wine/Proton on EAC...

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To me, a european, those urban areas packed with the same house over and over again always seem so depressing and boring. Is there any variety or does it look like this for kilometers miles?

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Which leads to reposting, karma whoring, karma requirements and "ThAnK yOu FoR aLl ThE uPvOtEs" comments.

Personally I think the aim should be to have fun (inclusive) or enhance your or someone else's knowledge and not to brag about how much internet points you have :')

On the other hand, I sometimes like to get lost in account statistics so I'm also not completely against them as long as one sees them as values only and not as some sort of (dick) comparison.

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ESC 2024 in a nutshell:

🇨🇭 The Swiss finally found Nemo, who is non-binary and won by breaking the code and riding a Tagada

🇮🇪 Ireland performed a demon summoning and was awarded 6th by the jury, 6th by the audience and ended up in 6th - 666 intensifies

🇳🇱 The Dutch dude was disqualified for allegedly being an asshole

🇮🇱 Israel did not decapitate Netanyahu on stage and still finished high up in the ranks, sending pro-palestine Twitter users into rage

🇪🇪 We saw Estonian VSauce

They desperately tried to bait the audience with Abba just to show us the worst deep fake in human history and letting some previous ESC winners (including Conchita Wurst) perform Waterloo on stage.

(Did I miss anything?)

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No, I will make it EVEN BETTER:

From now on the week days shall be known as:

  • Migrant blaming Monday

  • Trump Tuesday

  • Wanker Wednesday

  • Trans shaming Thursday

  • Fascist Friday

  • Sex offender Saturday

  • SS Sunday

Furthermore, my team will develop official clients so we can block all the other ones in the future (who needs those anyways).

We will block access from the web as well through anonymous accounts.

We managed to get some ad revenue partners on board so you can watch your favourite ads to the content you'll get delivered through our newest and most innovative algorithm that'll rank posts from our greatest supporters at the very top even tho you have already seen them dozens of times.

Oh, and btw: we are releasing subscription models offering you perks like:

  • Random earrapes (who doesn't like these)

  • Even worse UI

  • Actually getting content

  • Having less money

  • Getting preferred by the algorithm

  • Feeling like your worthless life has an actual meaning

  • A customized handjob from our team <3

Oh, and free accounts have the downsides of being rate limited to 5 posts a day, 1 bit of text when commenting or posting and a resolution of 16x16 pixels for images.

Want to work for us? - No problem. Our employees have the luxury of having their own toilet cubicle where they can eat, work, shit, work, work even more, sleep, work, and repeat...

We already replaced the content management team with Blind AL - saved us ten dollars!

Matt Damon is in, are urine?

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Nuking a reactor lab just because it got hacked seems like the most American thing to do...

Is what I wanted to comment until I found out they didn't mean the action of nuking something but nuke as an abbreviation of nuclear... That wording boi :')

Aiden woke up and chose violence.

Dude is a hentai main character

Positive news: at least Germany will reject it, let's hope more members follow their lead

According to [German Federal Minister of the Interior] Nancy Faeser, it is appropriate to "hold online platforms accountable so that depictions of abuse are discovered, deleted and the perpetrators prosecuted". However, if the current proposal remains, the representative of the Federal Republic of Germany would have to vote no, said the SPD politician. "Because we must take targeted action and maintain the balance of the rule of law. Encrypted private communications of millions of people must not be monitored without cause.


Do I need to explain any further?

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Meanwhile OP:

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Matrix allows bridging chats so you can set up a bot in your / your friends server(s) and it'll forward their messages to Matrix and yours back to Discord. As for DMs you need to set up channels for that afaik (Future me: It seems that some bots support it). The big drawback is that you need to disable Matrix' E2E-Encryption in the rooms you want to bridge your chats to.

Here's a link to the Discord bridge if you are interested. It's not that hard to set up imo.

As for voice chat, you can use Jitsi (works like zoom but without the need of an account) as long as your friends aren't too lazy to open a link in their browser to chat with you.

As for Matrix clients there's Element, FluffyChat, Cinny & others. Element & Cinny are closer to Discord's UI whilst FluffyChat feels more like WhatsApp Web or Telegram Web. Element has cool features like web widgets you can pin to rooms whilst Cinny & FluffyChat are simple (and have MUCH better custom emoji / sticker management)

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You get a random notification every day to publish a photo (camera only). You can upload 3 pictures if your first one has been published (I think) 2 minutes after you received the notification to upload. Else you can only publish one photo per day.

I guess the idea is to show your friends what you are currently doing without giving you time to prepare yourself / your environment...

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I wanna add to the collection :3

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Personally, I'm OK with emoji as long as you don't spam them (3+ times the same emoji is spamming imo)

1 emoji for a normal expression

2 emoji for a heavy expression

3 emoji is still acceptable but my personal limit of tolerance

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Yeah, nothing changed and we still have ignorant idiots who refuse to accept what Edward Teller (yup the dude fantasising about building the H Bomb in Oppenheimer) already warned about in 1957 ( Sauce )... And he wasn't even the first scientist to do so.

"I got this feeling on a summer day in Dubai's slum..."

Well, you can't cheat if you can't do anything

Wordy but essentially yeah :')

Oh, I see. I had an internship last year where I developed a WebApp and I only got a slight glimpse of the differences between Blink & Gecko but even that already influenced my code so I can kinda imagine the struggle :')

Thank you for your answer! ^^

KWin has this shortcut (Ctrl + Win + Esc) that turns your cursor into a skull that kills the windows you click on

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You know things are about to get spicy when a state/nation adds the prefix "Greater" to its name

Is your purchase free if you beat the Ender Dragon?

(If that even exists in that version. This looks a bit like the Alpha 1.2 version to me)

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Yup, the API is still free if you don't use it commercially if I'm informed correctly (commercially includes app subscriptions, ads and asking for donations)

Try visiting an NSFW sub tho

Respect for sacrificing your Sunday for the election <3

Or UwUntu

Edit: I realized people above already mentioned it... How dfq did I not see that? °~°


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*at Ferrari: "OK, we are checking!"

This EP is the cutest thing I've seen in a long time. I really hope she likes it too! Good luck! ^-^

The real question is:

Never used for what?

  • Flatpak is open source, Snap isn't
  • Flatpak allows other repositories besides the official one, therefore having the ability to be decentralised, Snap doesn't
  • Canonical (the company behind Snap and Ubuntu) is hated for some past decisions they made with Ubuntu
  • and more

(The only thing I really prefer Snap over Flatpak is that you need the whole package name in Flatpak (like com.valvesoftware.Steam for Steam) whilst you can simply use "steam" in snap but that's due to decentralisation vs centralisation I guess and overall a minor problem for me)

*sighs... OK

You are calling us snowflakes yet you seem so mentally insecure and immature that you are desperately looking to start a fight because you are not mentally capable of accepting views different to yours, targeting one of the most wholesome and caring communities in all of Lemmy.

With all respect, take your shitty persona and leave.

I have no idea how much this is, but damn! (._.)

Edit: OK, it's 45.75cm & 22°C (295K for the Kelvin enjoyers)... Well your regional climate is certainly fucked lol