
3 Post – 100 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It's the illegal prime number used to decrypt DVDs.

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But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.

Or, was that behead your enemies?

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I suggest spending it on additional defamation lawsuits against Donald Trump.

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Sponsorblock: For Wadsworth, for what it's worth.

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To add to this, the rich (i.e., French-speaking) consumed the most butchered meat, by far. So, it came to be that butchered meat for sale would be labeled in French, while the live animals, which were tended by (English-speaking) peasents retained their English names.

Do it, my friend. I took the leap ~5 years ago and have not once regretted it. You're right, you have Wine and Windows VMs available, if need be. But, honestly, I bet you end up replacing those work flows with better ones within Linux before long.

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Well, as a first point, OP's information is wrong. While it's true that the half-life of U235 is ~700 million years, it isn't true that half of the initial mass is lost. When U235 fissions, about 200 MeV of the initial mass is converted to energy. The total initial mass is about a thousand times that, though (E=mc^2). So, after 700 million years, assuming you kept it from falling apart, the initial 15 lb lump would only lose ~1/4 of an ounce as energy.

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Look at it this way, this could have been a headline about the issues the union is striking over. Instead, it's a headline about a billionaire playing with internet checkmarks.

The true casus belli is revealed at last.

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We're about 80% of the way to Idiocracy.

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He appears to be mentally ill.

Can you please elaborate? I'm curious to know.

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Makes sense. It's biased by the fraction that no longer need to work but choose to because they enjoy it.

all while the climate continues to fuck us.

To be fair, I believe the consensus is that we fucked the climate first.

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Warren doing whatever the fuck she thought she was doing

She was making sure Bernie lost by splitting the progressive vote. That was exactly the intention.

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Check out pikvm: https://pikvm.org/

There are cheaper knockoffs that run the same software. For example: https://geekworm.com/

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Wait, y'all can still squat?!

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The same group that wants unlimited, unassailable power for the Executive is concerned that Executive agencies creating policy is overreach.

It's jangling keys. So long as there are enough headlines about cousins banging, we won't have enough time left over to get upset about corruption, fascism, etc.

Or, better yet, Tylenol, coffee, and Sudafed (which is a decongestant that does work).

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People like him cannot experience humiliation.

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Woah! We better keep this quiet! Only me, you, and theverge.com have any idea this is happening! What a secret!

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... will be eventually incorporated back into PRC

It has never been part of the PRC.

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Sorry, the video takes too long to get to the subject it claims to be about.

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In fact, reality is not apparently basically rational. Why does anything exist at all? Surely, the trivial solution would be a simpler state of affairs. Why is existence not nothing forever? Why there exists anything instead of nothing (let alone you and me, in particular) does not stand to reason.

$44b is enough for 25 guys to spend $50k per day on hookers and blow for more than 96 straight years!

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Yeah right. Like how Mueller was taking his time because he was building an air-tight case. I've been hearing this kind of thing since early in his presidency. I no longer buy that the "good guys" have a plan and will put a bow on it in the end.

Make sure to get 100% beef hot dogs for a less disappointing experience.

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What a great graphic novel.

I'd say more "smarmy" than "creepy". Not that that's better.

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But, were they worth it?

I doubt it. I don't think information that doesn't involve him directly even enters into his awareness.

You've got my vote.

Chuck 'em in the garbage and get something that doesn't break when you insist on privacy.

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I'm still going to watch it, though.

Alright, I'll say it: non-consensual sex.

To be fair, this was precisely my role in Populous.

This is the correct answer if privacy is your priority. They're not particularly cheap, however.

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