17 Post – 502 Comments
Joined 12 months ago


As a former Floridian, I thought Florida was the worst.

No, wait, I'm pretty sure Florida is still the worst, but Mississippi is going to be joining Florida on Erin's Do Not Travel list. :(

I'm looking at the meme with bedtime mode on my phone, it's just gray on my screen, lol.

If you've got a modded 3ds, Red Viper works extremely well to emulate Virtual Boy games, if you're curious about them. Arguably it's a better experience than playing them on a Virtual Boy.

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So it's the same idea as tuna salad?

There's no way Trump wins Minnesota.

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I recently found my game boy color with my copy of Pokemon Red in it - a fresh set of batteries and it started the game just fine, but most of the buttons are non functional. Did you need to replace the buttons, or did they just work after cleaning with alcohol?

I wonder if oxyclean will work for my lime green gbc or if something else would be better?

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Thanks for all of the advice! I'll have to try and get my gbc working again too. I knew I needed some specialty bits to disassemble but wasn't completely sure what.

I really should donate to uBlock Origin...

Huh, TIL, I can't.

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Damn it now I'm craving a red bean bun.

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Have there been any video games that have done this for an idle animation?

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This is definitely a hate crime against gamers.

Smells awesome, too.

Back when I worked at Disney, a subset of the Asian guests would get excited and take pictures of squirrels. Are there parts of Asia that don't have many squirrels?

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Also there's lots of hot people at furry cons, at least the ones that didn't engineer some really efficient cooling for their suits.

If it's the same one I saw, it was on a Reuters article and I didn't think Reuters was as bad with the paywall thing?

Want to put gas in your car? Ads. That talk and there's no way to silence them.

Oh, no, wait, that one is real. Are they everywhere yet? I haven't driven a car in several years. But I definitely remember that was real dystopian shit, similar to how I felt when I started getting ads in Windows.

Hands Off Our Home Appliances Act

The HOOHA Act?

Squirrels are extremely common in (most of?) the US, even in cities. There's an albino one that lives in my neighborhood, that one was interesting enough to stop and take a picture of.

Does anyone else think it's odd that Newman's Own did this? I've never seen much advertising from them in general. And they're one of the few companies that seems actually okay, kinda the anti-Nestle.

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They're fairly common in Central Florida. Many large retention ponds have them and they just get relocated once they reach a certain size. It was still fun to be standing on a friend's apartment balcony and spot an alligator laying next to the retention pond.

I blocked him. My Lemmy experience has improved, lol.

I saw the headline and wondered if this was a repost. Nope. If I had a nickel for every time this guy has been arrested for ocean hamster wheel shenanigans, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't much, but it's weird that it happened twice.

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There's never been a single reported case of popcorn lung caused by vaping, and the vape manufactures have basically all chosen to switch to something other than diacetyl out of an abundance of caution. It was only ever in some of the "creamy" and popcorn type flavors anyway.

That said, don't start vaping. It's great as harm reduction because it's better than cigarettes, but unless you're using it to stop smoking cigarettes, don't vape.

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Vim or Emacs?

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Muppet Treasure Island

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Can't possibly make it worse than shoving ads from hate groups. On my computer, I use Firefox with adblock, but on my phone and tablet I had been using the YouTube app until a few days ago. Google decided to show me a PragerU ad on mobile, so I decided to switch to Firefox mobile to watch YouTube. And the app either moved or removed the 'don't show this ad' selection.

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Look at what community it's been posted to.

You can actually find a group that manages to play with some regularity?

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Last time this got posted to Lemmy someone posted it to nextdoor and promptly got banned, lol.

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I'm originally from Orlando and I moved to Minnesota about seven years ago, I knew things weren't going to get better for trans people there so I left to protect myself. Moving is expensive and scary, and making new friends elsewhere is also difficult. Having actually done it, I don't look down on people who can't.

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I can't read this article, but I've seen (and posted) other articles about this. Governor Walz responded with "I guess I'm a nasty cat blanket person then". The DFL isn't a sack of shit, but Mayor Frey sure is. And he got re elected last time because he's about as conservative as can win here and the downtown businesses threw a bunch of money in his campaign.

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It's estrogen.

Think of how much they wasted on color posters just for fucking Party Cannon.

He should run for governor of Florida, they've historically gotten off Scott free for defrauding Medicare.

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Y'all defederated my instance a while ago, and while there were a couple solid communities on Beehaw, I don't feel like I'm missing anything significant, and I'd basically forgotten about you until just now. Lemmy is fine without you. And we'll always have Blahaj.

Boykisser meme altered to read "you like kissing walls don't you