
2 Post – 1089 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

can't wait to try Blender in CLI

He doesn't even have to try, they will find excuses for him. At this point I have no idea what it would take to bring back some of them to something resembling sanity

Fascists ? Imperialists ? they don't have the authority to ban anybody from a different instance

Also may make good bonemeal for an olive tree to grow there

OP, your sacrifice means more olives

No we don't. Call the dumbasses what they are, not what they're telling you to call them

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damn you beat me to it

xkcd 927

Tapenade is the nectar of gods. I'm from Marseille so you opened the door to my heart

blue cheese olives ? gotta admit I never tried that combination

All mushrooms ? even fresh pinins grilled with garlic and parsley ?

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The pits ? does that mean the kernels ? are they called pits ?

I want to go back 20yrs in time and confuse people by showing them this headline

what was this about mortar shells ?

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I didn't know there were "systems", I use a Pyrénées slab that works like magic, but you do need some elbow grease. Is it a power tool you're talking about ?

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I never even considered that there could be voice dysphoria. Of course there is. I wonder, would singing practice help ? I know it widened my range and generally made me more nimble, more flexible with my tone(s). This is coming from a place of complete naiveté, not being transgender,... well in any case I hope you get rid of that dysphoria one way or another

Oh wow, that's some serious gear... Thanks for the recommendations !

The point is, it's cherry-picking

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It's weird I always thought of you as the Joker's sidekick

Glad to know I'm driving that leg median up !

he has a leg up on everybody else

You must be pulling my legs

shiiiiiit.... and you found no recourse at all ?


hmmm gorgeous

No, that's not great news at all

Import them skinny, feed them on location


She can write pulp

but she can also be pulp

Try Jerboa

ah, yes, the highest market cap in history ($3T) doesn't have the resources

They're not available in your country ? then yes

Of course it's not too late. I really mean this


Not sure if you read the recent article or not, but the guy responsible for this enshittification came from Yahoo, where he applied the same policies. So you're more literally correct than you may think

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I don't understand why people don't collectively quit Twitter and flock to Mastodon. It's very simple, it's better for everyone

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It looks like a shitty futuristic movie prop

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I'm realizing just now I always considered this normal. I guess after years and years of it happening I didn't question it anymore. No question it was annoying as fuck, though. Thanks Zhu

"It is time for communities to break free of walled gardens and take ownership of their existence online."

So, literally the fediverse ?

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are all these execs on crack ?

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