
2 Post – 71 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Getting off social media surely is the best way to reduce stress.

Don't the fans of X applaud it for being anti-censorship? I would think this goes against their free speech inclinations.

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Hahaha what the hell is this.

I find the funny videos being sent endearing almost as much as they are relentless.

Yeah WTF, there's a ridiculous library of good retro games. Why choose the worst one lol

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Good points. Its worth mentioning that while SteamOS is based on arch (a famously unstable distro), it is immutable, so the user will have a much harder time bricking their system. KDE plasma was the right choice I agree, considering the number of windows users Valve is marketing towards.

I think in general he leans more left than he lets on if that's what you mean.

His podcast when his wife is on (It annoys me that people would find this to be relevant credentials, but she's a POC) shows that he has a pretty healthy world view where he talks crap a lot, but is happy to be told he's an idiot as well, at least by her.

I don't know how parents feel safe living in the USA. Your gun laws are insane.

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We've had first Gollum, yes, but what about second Gollum?

Me launching RDR2 from Steam (added as a non-steam game from Epic when I bought on sale) means having 3 launchers open to play 1 game.

We have a strong economic dependancy on China for trade, and a military dependency on the USA for defence. What could possibly go wrong? I'm not a sky news watcher, but I'll admit I have family that are very cautious about geopolitics (also not sky news watchers)

That's horrible to hear. We get on edge about the constant military/economic threat of China here in Australia, but that's much more an existential threat than immediate one. The idea that some random citizen could end 100 peoples lives in minutes is terrifying.

We have people over here that I'm sure would be a school shooter situation if we had guns.

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Yeah, my PC is beefier than a PS5, so I'm hoping I can get better 60fps results than the performance mode on PS5. So glad to see SE is taking multiplatform seriously. They're probably the most egregious publisher in terms of setting sales targets well beyond what is reasonable.

Sports fans seem pretty happy to be fucked around though. It happens to them hard when seeing sport in real life and have to pay exorbitantly for food at stadiums/sports channel subscriptions, so EA is fucking them quite gently in comparison.

It's amazing how bad it is now with SEO-optimisation. Most people (myself included) put "reddit" into the search query to clean things up in the hopes that we'll get something other than an ad-serve/affiliate-sales-linked website, but this really opens you up to being exposed to astro-turfing.

Edit: Really interested to hear if other people have better ideas than this.

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I remember ps3 emulation a few years ago was determined too hardware intensive, nowadays it can be done on mid level hardware. PS4 and Xbox One is going to happen, just depends on when.

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It's closed source, so how can you really know what Apple are or are not doing? I don't know if publicly available external audits are done on Apples software, but I doubt it.

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But premium doesn't have sponsorblock

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Honestly the best console I've ever bought. Waiting for my OLED to arrive tomorrow. LCD has been great

Chief Technology Officer, not CEO

I just upgraded from LCD to OLED. I would say the difference in battery is significant, and the blacks/colours are also very nice. Reduced screen bezels means that the oled is a slightly larger screen too.

I'm a person that played the LCD deck every day, and I would say these changes in the OLED are worth it for me.

Context: I've got a gaming PC with a 3070ti in it, that gets ignored most of the time now, and that was true when I only had the LCD deck.

FOSS alternatives are out there for most software. I don't really care for pirating photoshop when GIMP is free.

You can't really kill P2P file sharing. If there is a need for creating a seed then someone will do it if the film/show is popular enough. Will probably be hosted through a DMCA non-compliant country.

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Steve Mould, Veritasium?

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People who gain/have a lot of wealth over their life do tend to want to lock that wealth in by being Conservative I think. Wouldn't want to shake things up!

Oh man have I been there. Never buy gen 1.

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Reddit posts could always be company astroturfing as well.

I'm currentlyI not powerful enough for this, but probably will attempt it for fun one day. On OPENSUSE Tumbleweed atm.

I use Truenas scale.

For virtualisation, most people use a community run set of apps called Truecharts. I will say that documentation/support for this is rubbish. They have a discord server only really there. Very hostile community in general.

Not sure why kubernetes is used. Docker is being phased out and will stop being supported in the future.

Also, the latest version of scale broke onedrive backups, which were handled by the gui, and now you're on the own to run rclone via the cli. Definitely, the devs are not working on a fix as stated in forum posts. This is a pretty fundamental requirement of an at-home NAS for anyone using onedrive for photo backup say.

Ix system forum devs are rude. I haven't posted there but searching through other people's threads for solutions to my problems show dismissive unhelpful answers by the devs/users.

All this is to say Truenas virtualisation is compromised, poorly documented, and run by a hostile community of devs both in true charts and the ix systems forums.

I regret not trying a different nas os, but I'm a bit invested now.

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Love playing my shylaphone

It's genuinely upsetting to see people losing their jobs in pursuit of company profits.

That said, the AAA game development model is broken financially. If Indies and small studios get the release space and attention they need to thrive now, the death of widespread AAA gaming is a wonderful thing.

How many of the most interesting gaming experiences in the last decade have been indies? I would argue most of the best games have been made by teams with less than 30 people, often single dev "studios".

Yeah it is not a decision to be taken lightly! Very rewarding, but one of the hardest things you'll do.

Yeah I think this is about convenience right? Pirating is more work than scrolling through an interface.

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Is there any deal plugin is handy.

There's a plugin for HowLongToBeat that I only just found: https://github.com/hulkrelax/hltb-for-deck

This will show some of those competion time stat's when you go into the page for each game. Very non-intrusive. Even works for non-steam games.

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Is good, I got bored though as they haven't released a major update since 2022. On opensuse tumbleweed now.

Not having the bugs of using gnome extensions for customisations is nice.

Not that surprising really. Xbox is a bit of a dead platform seeing as everything is on PC.

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It depends on the movie, but I agree people do need to keep seeding more for those older, niche films.

Therein lies the uselessness of the subscription. It doesn't guarantee privacy, only that they won't abuse it while your subscription is active.

Ah yeah that makes sense. So many tech communities here I've noticed. Always put it down to tech people being more willing/able/knowledgable to move to something better!

I agree. If everyone knows what type of game we're talking about, the term is appropriate. Hard agree on retro-FPS.

How does that work, do you still need revanced to modify the apk?