Two years under Taliban rule in Afghanistan: ‘I never thought the world would forget about us so quickly’ to World – 863 points –
Two years under Taliban rule in Afghanistan: ‘I never thought the world would forget about us so quickly’

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Wow I'm american and this is some american kool aide if I've ever seen it. The Taliban is evil but the framing of the invasion and occupation as some noble humanitarian effort is like newsmax propaganda.

Some good things did happen. More girls went to schools. You can look up data and see the infant mortality rate plummet.

We didn't go over there for humanitarian reasons, and our true goal wasn't noble -- but there was still good that came of it. Enough good for them to ask us why we've forgotten about them. And I don't blame them -- but I also can't blame us.

You're right, but it seems like this post is asking for it again. Whatever framing it's given, it didn't work and was a massive waste, of lives and money.