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Joined 11 months ago

Also, whether or not one uses reddit/twitter/Facebook, the state of social media is worth discussing, its important.

I'm so desperate for any one in power to do something, I'll take this anyway

I agree those are bad examples.

Better examples:

Phillando Castile. All for gun rights until a black man is shot while legally owning a gun. One could run down the list of black people (and children) who have been murdered by the police because they "thought there was a gun". Guns are legal and they're quite vocal about supporting the right to bear arms (but only if you look white).

Jan 6. All for upholding law and order and obeying the police until they don't get what they want. They lied about the cities in this country being destroyed during the Floyd uprisings as if America was gone.

All of the anti-trans laws passed are to "protect children" and yet they have not gone after any of the abuse scandals in churches or law enforcement.

Build the wall. Enforced only against black and brown people at the southern border.

How about holding the supreme court seat for a year?

We could continue but I'll just boil it down with a pithy quote: there are those who the law must protect but does not bind and there are those that the law must bind but not protect. That is the conservative idea. Go read the only moral abortion is my abortion with that statement in mind and it'll make sense.

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Wow I'm american and this is some american kool aide if I've ever seen it. The Taliban is evil but the framing of the invasion and occupation as some noble humanitarian effort is like newsmax propaganda.

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I didn't say any of that. I pointed out that this particular blog source isn't providing any tangible evidence and should be treated with skepticism.

I deliberately don't follow much Ukrainian war news, I find the coverage from a western perspective distasteful so I went and googled around a bit.


This is a better evidenced and written article. Like I said I'm not a Russia fan and approaching western reporting with skepticism is generally a better approach in my opinion.

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The premise that some people are just better than everyone else is not intelligent. Valuing a person's worth as a human by measuring their productivity is genocidal.

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That's okay though.

No one gives a shit about Hunter Biden outside the Fox News bubble, guy. As for me, having a son who does drugs with sex workers is about the last thing for which I hate Joe Biden.

Your reasons are discussed in the post. Did you just read the first section and then get mad?

Cool you barely use twitter and didn't notice any of the declines detailed above but "no, not really" thanks for the high quality discussion

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They only introduce these bills when they don't have a majority

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Oh word? Because every time I see literally "not murder children"

Where are you getting that number? BLS shows median male income per week at ~1200 which is not 95k a year

One of these is a state. A state with US military support.

I get your trying to help but you're missing the point

I spent $500 at Costco last weekend this shit is out of control.

I mean it's definitely licensed d&d 5e content

You people are so historically ignorant.

They don't leave because they know what will happen when they leave because Israel has done this before. Israel will seize the land and their homes and will continue to bomb them in a more dense space. So if they are going to die they choose to die in their homes and not a concentration camp.

Means testing doesn't work.

I'm genuinely astonished that anyone can look at US history and call this organization of government a success.

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I live in Colorado and I straight up tell recruiters the rate is far too low to open a conversation.

If you like behind the bastards, cool people who did cool stuff is great and blowback is blowing my mind currently

No thank you. You're asking the US government to do that? Practically, this would get sourced to your local police department and weaponized against minorities.

People for sure read them.

Psst I have some surprising information for you

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You asked how elon ruined the experience, someone explained it to you, you then said you don't even use the platform and hadn't noticed any of that. Like. Why did you ask in the first place and why are you dismissing the fairly detailed and accurate answer you got?

Edit: I'll leave my response but I think you're actually just curious from the perspective of someone who doesn't use twitter a lot. I think I knee jerk reacted as though you were trying to defend musk as his fans are fairly obnoxious. Having reread this whole conversation, I think I'm coming off more aggressive than I should be.

Anyway, yeah you're right you probably wouldn't have noticed the negative changes musk has brought about. As a former daily user of twitter I'm fairly angry at the destruction of the site. I think twitter was an extremely important venue, it gave regular people direct access to interaction with the rich and powerful, it gave access to unfiltered news from on the ground people and it allowed people from remote/poorer parts of the world a way to interact with the west. Losing that in the society we live in is a real bummer.

Yeah, given the tech today this needs to be revisited at the very least

Very scientific. Ask them a loaded question I don't care about that isn't on the table. Then you're pretty sure they'll all answer the same way. Do you see how that is anti semitic? Do you think all Jewish people are the same?

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Are you people being paid? I've seen this "question" like 15 times.

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Love it

I just spent about 2 hours trying to figure out how to turn off google assistant always listening and turning off the driving mode for maps. Still can't solve the maps thing. Looking for an alternative, this is getting so shitty.

I bought a pixel because I couldn't stand the bloatware that came from Samsung devices, now I can't uninstall chrome or any google apps, fuck this.

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This is from 2002 and the source is the Israeli army. I'm exhausted of you assholes.

You're right they shouldn't set fire to the boat

Blowback is the most incredible podcast I've listened to. If you like behind the bastards, blowback is better, entire seasons on particular historical events.

Google the weather underground

To be completely fair, the meme applies to me completely lol. I have to examine and reflect on my bias as well.

Those people are already paying though

I might actually vote for him if he does this

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I'm considering rooting at this point.