Why do you use IRC?

randomguy2323@lemmy.kevitprojects.com to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 100 points –

I am very new into this chat applications and read about IRC and Matrix. Matrix seems its more new and modern. So I just wonder what's the reason you are still using IRC?


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As others have already said, I guess it's the repository of content. I watched Heat and Cape Fear for the first time yesterday, and then spent like an hour reading random threads about it. And I could have easily continued! And there are movies with an endless supply of huge threads, like Eyes Wide Shut.

This is just an anecdotal example that I just lived yesterday.

Don't you have to be in the channel when things are sent to see them? Like you can't go join a channel today and go back to read history threads? Right?

Usually no, unless you run a server or have a client constantly running and recording messages

Not on IRC unless they have changed things since 2012.