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I'm a game developer. No game developers are panicking about this game. I've not played it but I'll probably play it soon. It looks great but even if it blows my mind it doesn't cause me to panic. It inspires me. I don't know of a game developer that gets panicked at the sight of good games. I know monetary goblins that might realize they can't push heartless games anymore but in the last decade we've started to see games really take shape as cinematic masterpieces. Experiences that truly top movies. This is the inevitable next step. Games with more interactions and more meaningful choice out of those interactions.

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Duh. Like this isn't news. In fact, their tips for avoiding Facebook tracking you are terrible. VPN + VM? Still going to track your data habits through finger printing which is not specific to hardware or browsers but browsing habits. Of course, as well, you can't control your friends or family's habits which are going to upload pictures and other data about you. Facial recognition is going to tie your data to anything you put your picture on. None of these things actually help. They just take the algorithm an extra millisecond to compute the data.

Even if you and your family got off of Facebook right now, Facebook would still understand your browsing habits and realistically they don't even need to be accurate, just enough data to massively sell that data to the NSA or advertising agencies or whoever else. So, I'm not saying get a Facebook account but I will say, don't make your life harder for little to no gain.

60 more...

Honestly, no one deserves to be ghosted. You should apologize and explain that you weren't ready for that sort of relationship. Maybe they will understand, maybe won't. At the end of the day, you gave them closure though.

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1 TB SSDs are 35-60 dollars.
1 TB HDDs are 22-50 dollars.
2 TB HDDs are 40-65 dollars.
2 TB SDDs are 60-90 dollars.

Clearly, price shouldn't be an issue because one of these drives that give you 10 times the storage is the cost of 1 new release, and the theoretical person who just bought BG3 and Starfield just spent 120 dollars minimum. So theoretical person let's do some math!

Seems really silly to complain that you ran out of space on your PC. Get another drive. If you've filled up your SATA ports, get a PCIe SATA card. If you have all your onboard SATA slots full, plus your PCIe slots are full, plus you've upgraded all the drives you could to at least 1 TB, that typically gives you at least 2-4 TB total. BG3 is taking up 150 GB that you reserved for gaming. Uninstall it if you want to play Starfield. If you don't want to play Starfield that badly then you have your answer.

Clearly, the real answer is that this person needs another drive in their computer. They act like the OS drive is the only thing that could possibly exist in a computer. Worst case, go get a USB 3 drive and toss Starfield on that.

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It's twitter except for the old guy instead of the new guy. If you left twitter for bluesky then you are likely just going to run into the same issue down the road where the old guy sells it for tons of money to whoever will pay. Those willing to pay are likely not great at managing a social media platform.

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What people might not catch is that this isn't artists, designers or engineers. It's voice actors only. I'm all for people getting what they deserve but as I see voice actors in the games industry demand profit sharing and more rights, I'm reminded that those who actually make the games don't get that. They have overtime without pay.

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So in the documentation they had

1.9 Ext4 file system parameters

As you can see the 's' doesn't get a '-' under it. So they changed the documentation to:

1.9 Ext4 file system parameters

so the 's' in parameters gets a dash under it.

this seems to be the standard as everywhere else the dashes go for the same length of characters as the above line. Example:

2.0 /proc/consoles

The little girl said the 's' in parameters is sad because it didn't get the dash under it and it was all alone. So they added the dash.

So he's going to just start shutting down vital services and say oh shit oops did that kill a few hundred thousand people? Trump literally already did that.

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That's shitty. I hope Valve goes down in this law suit but Gabe specifically asked for a remote deposition because he's old and obese. Two serious factors for COVID or really any illness. Apparently that wasn't enough to get them to allow remote deposition. What a really shit situation to put a person in.

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No, I do not want or need a middleman whose only job is to pass my data through to another API. It's a huge security risk and potentially a violation of my and my user's privacy. Pretending everything is perfect, it's still another point of failure. Your API service could become unavailable. Your API service could simply wrap others in a huge library and still that means some of them are going to be outdated.

There is no strong reason to do this unless you are binding these services together to create a new platform, like what game engines typically do. They take a rendering library, physics engine, etc., tie them all together with an implementation, and allow you to build the higher-level stuff. If that's your idea but for web development or something then I could see the use but just "everything goes in this monolithic API" is not only a terrible idea, it's a dangerous one.

As much as "go woke, go broke" has become common wisdom among right-wingers, shows of progressivism are only damaging in cases where the product's base skews conservative and where there are plentiful other options.

Yeah, I mean of course. the whole article can boil down to this one line. Conservatives weren't going to watch Barbie or play BG3 to start with. They will however watch nascar and drink beer. However, Nascar can go woke all it wants because there is no alternative.

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Elon Musk should get directly sued from the State of California for active sabotage of it's public infrastructure.

I have 4k hours in CSGO alone. Probably 10k hours in the whole series all together. The changes they made are far more significant than an update.

This guy is an ex-leader. There was also the current leader sentenced and the oath keepers leader sentenced last week. There are also division leaders and branch leaders. It's like there are multiple gangs and multiple sections of each gang that all have leaders.

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I'm a game developer and honestly, you are kind of right. It makes the game more fun to be able to haul around things infinitely. A lot of game developers put in cheats specifically so they can either just spawn what they need or carry everything or both. That said, it also ruins the game incredibly well after 2 minutes of you dicking around and having fun with every item without issue.

Overall the basic issue is twofold. One, if you let the player carry everything, then some players are going to look and dig through levels to find everything. Two, Some players won't do this so you need to stock your levels with enough obvious items to keep the players who don't explore stocked enough to keep playing. If you do that then the items the exploration players are looking for are just either overpowering them or not giving them any benefits like collectibles. There is a middle ground to this and make exploration reward items different playstyles. Like in Deus Ex, a lot of exploration bonus items are stealth based. Meaning if you want to do a stealth playthrough you'll be exploring a lot and thus you'll find less ammo which is on guards or in the middle of guarded areas and you'll find more hack tools and lockpicks.

So problem solved right? But wait... Deus Ex's inventory is... exactly like REs. Why? Because the issue above was the basic issue of why to even include inventory. Now we bring in what it adds to the game. Player choice and agency. As the player, you get to pick your own path. In any game with an inventory, you are going to get to pick which things you keep and which you don't. This means you have to actively make choices according to your playstyle. In Deus Ex the question boils down to, do you take the big fuck off GEP gun or do you keep your inventory lean for lockpicks, pistols, SMGs, shotguns, and assault rifles so you can use whatever ammo you come across. In the first Deus Ex, ammo is very scarce. Thus having room for ammo and the tools to use it is very important. a GEP gun only really works on 4-6 enemies and the ammo is huge as well as the gun. Taking up around a third of the inventory, maybe more, depending on if you get inventory upgrades. This is an active playstyle choice.

Some games are simply built around inventory management, likewise, some games are built around unlimited inventory. The latest Hitman (2016-2021) series allows unlimited inventory and you can certainly build around it. The issue with Hitman is that you lose all of your inventory every time the mission ends then you can only bring select things into a mission to keep your inventory slim. It still rewards the player for exploration because now you know another path through the mission which potentially gets you another item or in a place you didn't know you could get without the right outfit. Because the missions are replayable the information you gain in one playthrough helps the next. Knowledge of that item existing in that location is enough of a reward.

@Pseu@beehaw.org mentioned that survival games need inventory management. I pose they don't. Crashlands is a survival game without inventory management and doesn't even have an inventory screen for better or worse. Inventory management, as far as I am aware, isn't a requirement of any genre. If it is then someone out there is going to try to make a game to remove it. There are also games that are solely inventory management like Save Room - Organization Puzzle. There are types of people who like inventory management and those who don't.

Thanks for coming to my ted talk! I hope this was helpful and interesting.

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Good. However way you feel about piracy or Bethesda. This is stealing directly from artists and we need to protect artists and their right to make money. Which in turn is their right to live, because we live in a capitalistic society. Denying someone pay is denying them shelter, food, heat, everything. I can only hope that subsequent cases like this for smaller artists are treated similarly as important. I know that's a tall ask though. That the indie games studio losing money to bootleggers isn't going to get the same response from the Sheriff's Office.

This is at least a step in the right direction as cases like this are usually hand waved away as "well those people weren't going to buy the game anyways." or "It's just copying a file." or best of all "No real damages have been done."

13 more...

God I hate this country. Bunch of idiots. Oh maybe the dude clearly not looking out for the countries best interest should run the country. Like he clearly is going to be convicted on several accounts from his first term. This criminal who only wants to continue ruining the country for his own profits. Who mishandled every single damn event in his presidency. Who supports white supremacy. That's who we should get to run the country. Good god Republicans maybe try to pretend you still want a free America.

Frankly I can't see how anyone on beehaw can claim they are being nice while supporting Trump. Someone clearly aiming to remove LGBTQIA+ from the country if not the world.

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Yeah, that makes sense. They probably can't properly support a video card they couldn't get their hands on due to Intel not shipping it until late last year. They also aren't that powerful of cards. Lastly the Intel drivers are brand new. Most engines are not treated against them, as such there are a lot of corruption bugs. Which makes sense because they weren't able to get the cards early enough to support them. Since Intel has now discontinued their flagship arc card not even a year after release it's unlikely any games will really support Intel gpus in the future.

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It's in the video provided in the article. It's pretty complex and lengthy. You have to put in like 3 cheat code menu entries, then go to a level select option and hold down l1 and x, then the disk will stop, oh you had to keep your disc eject propped down so the console won't detect the tray has been opened, switch out the disc, hold like triangle and x, let go of l1, triangle and x all at the same time, then it will boot into whatever pirated disc you switched out without the checks.

I can see why it's not in the article, it's hard to accurately write down and it would be almost as long as the article itself. That said, I don't know how much of a godsend this is, it requires a copy of a pretty undersold and otherwise mediocre game. That said, I am not that into retro gaming so maybe this is truly a major change for the community.

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Tencent has a minority stake in the company. Along with Sony and Kirkbi. Epic is controlled by Tim Sweeney, who has over 50% of the ownership.

One, there was a point where the application system was bugged and some applications were lost so they had to stop processing applications. This is an issue on lemmy not on the mod team. Additionally, because lemmy is not setup for the sort of application process the mod teams want, there is no way to notify a rejected application. Your application might have been rejected.

Two, by replying here you are choosing to encounter this community. Don't be surprised when you get moderated for not following rules.

Three, no one will miss these sorts of interactions. It's not puritan to want to avoid something that takes away from your enjoyment rather than adds to it. Clearly at one point you thought so to and wanted to join. Perhaps though you only wanted to be a bad actor in the community and the application process worked as intended.

No need for name calling. Everyone gets frustrated and misses things.

The good place. It's fairly short and starts out more of a comedy but evolves into a real ethics lesson. One that a lot of people need to hear.

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Honestly, it's this part that really bothers me:

Take it from Cory Rodis, a professional game developer, designer, and educator with over a decade of experience in the field.

Clearly from Linkedin and Moby Games, this person does not have over a decade of experience in the field. If you count teaching as "in the field" (which to me, in the field means not teaching but actually doing.) then they have 6 years of experience. Not counting that, they have 2 years.

Also, and maybe I am out of the loop but this doesn't seem to be a semi-major internet publication to me. This is my first time hearing of it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Abrams#The_Mary_Sue this is the only information I really found on it's popularity and it seems kind of weak. Am I missing something, is it a really popular site for something like anime or comics?

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I disagree. Things you say have consequences. The things you say actively reflect on your employer and future employers. You can try to deny it all you want but that's the fact. I for one look poorly on the FSF for reinstating Stallman and I don't think the FSF is a body of decision-makers that are capable of making the right choice. That's kind of a major part of the FSF.

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In 2014 I realized I was wasting my life working as a software engineer at T-Mobile HQ. Their company was terrible when it came to basic hygiene. People snotting into the sinks, the bathroom always a huge toxic mess, people always sick, and getting other people sick. I shared a cubicle with some random person. I'd always just take my laptop to one of the small meeting rooms that was used for 1-on-1 meetings. I was clearly on a project that no one could give a fuck about. I spent that time on #UnrealEngine@irc.freenode.net and started working with the engine.

One random Tuesday, I was in the small meeting room and there was a row of 3 or 4 of them. I was on the far corner and two people in the one next to mine were talking loudly. About me, I heard my name pop up a few times and it turned out to be my boss having a 1:1 with her boss about my lack of performance. They were preparing to fire me. It was the evening so I ducked out the rest of the day and prepared to get fired. For some reason, I decided I wanted to leave on my terms and I'd quit. I was a contractor so it wasn't like I was going to get a severance. I quit with no prospects, I did have a few interviews for Unreal Engine jobs a week ago and a few months ago but hadn't heard back so I assumed they moved on. So I quit to become a game developer on that Wednesday but those 2 interviews both got back to me that Thursday. By Friday I was trying to figure out between two studios to join. I went with the Canadian one and realized I had to start a business to support the relationship.

So I went from a cushy software engineer job where I didn't have to do anything to start up an international business contractor working in one of the most volatile industries. Back at T-Mobile as I stepped into the elevator they said "We want people who want to work here." and it hit me. I just gave up one of the best-paying jobs I'd have in order to do something I actually want to do.

Overall I had a lot of "I really should not be doing this" moments in that whole process but usually followed by "But if I fucking pull this off I'll be amazing." I've been in the games industry for 10 years now. My business is now quietly still standing as I moved to an employee job recently on a project I am really passionate about.

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Facts Section:

The real question is how does that compare to the rest of the games industry and what counts as a "fail".

So according to the article: a "failure" is when a game becomes "inactive." That seems like a poor standard for failing since every game will eventually be marked as a failure no matter how successful it once was. It could bring in millions of dollars but only 56 people played Deus Ex 1 today. Is that enough to count it as "inactive"? They don't define inactive so it's hard to really say if it's absolute zero or near zero and for how long?

This also is only counting the GameFi platform and only.

So 75% of web3 mobile games fail to stay active for over 5 years. Let's see how this checks with the rest of the industry.


83% of mobile games fail in 3 years and 43% of them fail to make it to release.

Okay but what about profitability. That's what really matters!


4% of games are deemed profitable.


I wouldn't play Web3 games, I don't really see a future for web3. I also don't really see a future for VR/AR. I could be wrong about these things but they right now all seem like gimmicks that haven't caught on. I also think that LLM AI isn't as mind blowingly useful as everyone might think. I think it's a neat tool and nothing more. It's not going to revolutionize AI. That will come from other advancements, potentially on top of LLM but more likely in parallel.

That all said, these stats don't seem to mark the death of web3. These stats actually seem slightly better than the rest of the industry. It's likely because they are on a rise with VC and other funding.

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Yeah, legally it's fine. Societiarily, it's not really fine. If you are building a service and I put on my business cards this is the address you can reach me at through this service, removing that address without warning is unacceptable. If you want me to trust the service you are building is reliable and worthy of my business then you better be prepared to treat the data the service owns and the choices the users make with lots of respect.

For example, if your lemmy instance owner took your name and started using it for their own purposes without warning but sent you a quick message that read "I took your account name, but hey, as compensation you can just tell me what other handle you want and you can have it. Also, I know I am really awesome, so if you want to meet people who have talked to me, let me know and I can set that up." What would you do? Would you stay on that instance or would you go find a service that you feel is reliable and trustworthy?

Honestly, I can probably safely assume you'd find another service because your account age is the same as mine and that is around the time that Reddit started to show they were not a trustworthy service. So kind of proof that this is legally fine but societally not going to instill trust.

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People are mad at MS for being MS. MS isn't great, Windows is flawed, and there should be better alternatives. People would be quick to move to Linux if it worked for them. Most desktops now are for gaming. Most gamers have Nvidia. Linux famously has issues with Nvidia because 90% of the distros out there decided to jump on to Wayland before it was even half done. If that's the state of Linux where my 8-year-old Windows 10 machine still gets updates regularly and runs fine. Windows 10 will actively prevent you from trying to upgrade and bricking your system whereas Linux is absolutely like "Go ahead, hope you read all the patch notes for the 1000s different updates you are about to get!" Most people will go with Windows because Linux doesn't work for them.

Overall Linux has the power to be good, it just doesn't have the community will power to do so.

85 more...

I feel like the answer is twofold.

Either the developers hit technical limitations of their save system and couldn't reliably restart everything. I feel like RDR2 did this because most of their missions were very specific scripted sequences that needed to be kept on track from the start. A lot of roguelikes are unable to save during a run or within a node of that run. For example Peglin and Void Bastards. It's much easier to say what node or position the player is at than all the AI states, combat, etc. Additionally, automatic saving has always been difficult. Everyone knows the whole "the game auto-saved and now I die instantly over and over again" bug that happens in any game. The way to negate this is to use checkpoints with areas where you know the player isn't going to get attacked. Another way is to try to detect when you are in combat or not but this can lead to the game never saving. Overall it's much easier to just save a state that you know the player will be okay to start back up in.

Or the designers felt like it added something to the game like in Alien Isolation. Save points allow you to exit and designers are trying to focus on keeping players playing. So save points are also an exit point. When you allow the player to save, you allow the player to exit without feeling like they must continue going. Designers use this to try to keep their games more engaging. Super Meat Boy removed a few exit points from typical platformers in order to make the game faster. A lot of games try to be so easy to keep playing that they make it hard to stop. In some ways, this can be seen as a dark pattern in game design. Typically though, designers aren't trying to be nefarious but instead trying to keep the game engaging.

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force Florida to count the ballots in 2000 in favor of Al Gore. People want to talk about stolen elections? They literally wouldn't count all the ballots because of a technology flaw.

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I don't think starfield does anything worth giving it an award for. You should give awards to things that do something unique or took a risk. Starfield is a very safe game that didn't really do anything unique or risky. They just made Skyrim in space.

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Rock, Paper, Shotgun - Edwin Evans-Thirlwell - Unscored

A short, sparky and colourful 2D PICO-8 blaster about a space captain fighting fascist robots.

This one is a parody/joke about someone who put a game on itch titled Starfield. Kind of shitty for RPS to allow. Especially since it's directly connected on OpenCritic to Starfield the Bethesda game.

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An older example is Andrew Carnegie https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Carnegie who worked hard to create...

"The Carnegie Library, Carnegie Hall, Carnegie Institution for Science, Carnegie Corporation of New York, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Carnegie Mellon University, Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs, Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh, and the Carnegie Hero Fund"

He helped a lot with anti-imperialism and education, he's a large reason why there are public libraries in America, establishing 3,000 of them. He also helped space exploration by helping fund the 100-inch hooker telescope.

CS2 was not built from scratch, it's a large update to CSGO which simply brings in the source 2 engine plus some really interesting gameplay changes. That said in order to do this they dropped mac support entirely. People woke up from playing the game last night to find they now had a large update that removed the files from their system. I've also seen people report a lot of Linux issues but I'm playing it on Linux Minut just fine.

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No, this is not really typical for a large studio. I've been in the games industry for 10 years and losing your team every project is a studio killer. No one does this anymore aside from really small indie studios that can't afford to keep the team together. This is not normal for a studio that knows what it's doing.

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Uh, I don't want to know exactly what you are implying but those people are still people. It's really not okay to threaten groups like that. These are folks making a living where they can. How does that make it okay to imply that you are going to attack them?

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Not truly a game mechanic but I love the passion against GAAS.

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They are the reason WotC canceled all those in-development d&d games a year and a half ago. All WOTC published games were canceled because their CEO passed away and they scrambled to find a new one. This new CEO saw all these in-development games and canceled them in an attempt to save money, and with the Dark Alliance game released the year before, they felt there was no recouping development costs.

Overall a huge bummer. I would have liked to play an immersive sim d&d game.

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I love Joel but the ending where it was like "SPONSERED BY BALDUR'S GATE 3" really woke me up to realize I just watched a 6-and-a-half-minute ad and that's it. In fact, I feel like if he had put at the start of the video, I would have taken it a whole lot differently.

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