Is America Really That Bad? to No Stupid – 313 points –

Been seeing a lot about how the government passes shitty laws, lot of mass shootings and expensive asf health care. I come from a developing nation and we were always told how America is great and whatnot. Are all states is America bad ?


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That’s why every embarrassment and mistake gets blasted across the international media.

Do you speak languages other than English fluently?

the standard against which other countries measure themselves

What are you basing this on?

What are you basing this on?

As I explained, the international newsworthiness of any American embarrassment and shortcoming.

Do you speak languages other than English fluently?


Are you going to compare your country favorably to the US on that point?

They're asking because you're probably stuck in a media bubble based on the fact that you simply cannot read the opinions of people outside of the US's sphere of influence.

One wonders they don't just come out and say so.

One wonders why you won't answer.

Because it's not a sincere question asked in good faith. It's just another attempt to evade addressing anything I actually say in favor of insulting my intelligence.

No, I don't speak other languages fluently. I speak some Spanish and a little French, and I can cuss you out in Japanese. But English is the only language I speak fluently. And if you were half as sincere as you no doubt are going to claim to be, you'd have realized that I NEVER SAID I AGREED WITH THEM. I only pointed out that they find THEMSELVES lacking.

I answered the OP's question honestly and accurately to the best of my knowledge, understanding, and perceptions. Which is WAY more than you or any other respondent has done.

So, go ahead. Mock me for only speaking gasp one language! It doesn't make me wrong.

Imagine for a second that you speak Chinese. You find yourself on a Chinese forum and a Chinese person explains that China is the country against which other countries measure themselves and this is why they are always attacking or criticising China.

You then ask this person if they speak anything other than Chinese, because you want to know if they're basing that opinion only on Chinese media.

But instead of answering the question, and perhaps acknowledging they live in a media bubble, they instead choose to repeatedly avoid answering it, then type out a very long and defensive rant with capital letters.

What would you think of that person?

What would you think of that person?

I'd think they're wrong. And I'd spend my time explaining why.

But I wouldn't take their opinion personally; I wouldn't be upset by it; I wouldn't feel compelled to question their intelligence, morals, ethics, or motives. I wouldn't complain that they're being unfair, chauvinistic, or sheltered.

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