Relatable to ADHD – 515 points –

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That this post is cringe for simplifying a nuanced disability like they have a x_nyan_x blog somewhere. It's literally the omg so relatable template of "Look at me using a disability as a poster for my personality! Give me attention x3"

More power to you if you have ADHD and understand the context that your disabilities don't make you, you've always been. You're just aware that you can be contextualized, but it doesn't give you an excuse to act on it more.

I have BP II, doesn't mean I'm going to go around advertising it like it's all I am or makes me.

Nah but humans are social, so if talking about it is what works for some people, why not just do it then. Sorry you get personally offended by this, but most people ain't gonna change to fit your idea of society lol

Not offended. I'm making comment it's cringe.