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Love reading any article then opening the talk tab for the civil war of edits proposed.

It's better to place the burden on the company as a whole per revenue than per CEO pay differential. Amazon for example made somewhere in the 500 billion dollars in revenue for 2022 but for all ~1.5m employees only spent ~42 billion on salaries for an average of ~28k a year.

They have so much ample revenue to use for increased salaries that goes unanswered.

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Otters are apex predators simply because they have the ability of tactical genius working in strike group squads. If you've ever seen the videos of them taking down and drowning crocodiles, then you know. They are not omg adorbs so cute!! They can and will destroy you. Walking navy seal copypastas.

I think it's more that most of these issues would never actually reach the CEO if brought up through standard channels. Some bs middle management explanation of why it's not possible, even though they never passed it up. CEOs are still people, and if they just randomly receive an actual personal email that wasn't debated over by a board meeting or considered inconsequential by people they hired to micromanage, they're likely to just say fuck it why not.

Like all jokes, shitposts are only funny with a touch of reality

The joke literally breaks suspension of disbelief because it's so ridiculous.

Dogshit take to say Steam monopoly while actively praising platform exclusivity. Sorry we like the option to use our personal favorite digital platform where our entire library is unified and not the safety helmet wearing little cousin where we're supporting Tim Sweeney.

There's a reason Steam outclasses every other platform and it's far from being a greedy monopoly. They uh, get close for this one, make a better product. Uplay, Origin, EGL, they all fucking suck in comparison of features and usability. Valve literally just gives a shit about the consumer first.

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This Creative Assembly is a dogshit remnant of the past. Until they stop treating their developers like gig workers and stop rising prices under the lie that they're losing money (record profits once again), I don't want shit they make. WH3 has been abysmal so far

Yeah this is more folk, like Fleetwood Mac or others. What would be called stadium country is pure trash, but god damn that folk music..

Your ancestors weren't milk drinkers and that now makes you inferior to me. Rise up lactose digesters.

I can see your point, but I am also tired of pointing to CEO salaries and thinking that reducing them will make any meaningful increase on company wide salaries.

There's always making cost scalable to reported profit. It's annoying to see a company like Amazon make so much but pay employees so little because it's"competitive pay" to the business they're ruining through monopoly.

That and fighting millions of years of evolutionary instinct screaming at you to eat everything you can when you start reducing calories in case you won't eat again for a few days.

It's only been MAYBE ~150 years that all classes of society had ready access to food.

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Where's the protein..

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Depends on the poop engagement distance

It's because the game is just mechanically Valhalla, the worst stealth iteration in the entire series. You would try to bow someone from a tree, hood up, completely unseen and the moment he dies the random soldier behind 3 walls 200 feet away knows exactly where you are and now you're in combat. Trying to go back to their roots using the same engine as Valhalla was a major misstep.

Online features, like the Brotherhood multiplayer, or those annoying older ads to use the mobile app while playing. The game itself can still be played.

Beans are cheap and if you just want nutritional value they hit both carbs and protein in a great amount per ounce. Of course there's the studies showing regional genes benefit more from specific macro sources over others (IE an Asian would utilize rice glycogen better than oats), but if you want to hit the basics: beans

Perfected is a stretch. I still play unity a lot for the black boxes, and it has a ton of misreading input issues, but they were definitely on the right track with beautiful animations and good transitions. The problem with Mirage is that its literally just Valhalla under the hood, having been originally planned as a dlc campaign. Valhalla being a viking sim with the worst fucking stealth system in the entire series and no parkour to speak of in rural Viking Age England.

This game is a huge miss for Ubisoft and might actually sink them as a whole. They're currently back against the wall financially speaking, having canceled a plethora of games to save money, and cannot afford to be fucking up their flagship titles this bad. Wish I would miss them, the early Ubi games like R6 Vegas, Splinter Cell, The Settlers, and Ezio trilogy basically shaped my childhood.

Not to mention the convenience that is idk... A fucking dishwasher or laundry machines, or heatable ovens to the exact degree of temperature you want, microwaves, literally any device created to enhance the average citizens time spent NOT doing the egregiously long work needed to maintain a home that these hypothetical peasants did. People just braindead tbh when they see shit like this and just nod along like it's so wise.

Guy is either delusional or a troll. Either way, too many terminally online morons on the Internet to tell

Yeah this isn't Spotify's fault really. It's a cringe over prostitution of the industry with increased server cost, record studios asking more in premiums, and growing pains from increased salaries. It's unfortunate we can't ever just let something exist for the sake of general good without the greedy asking for their take when it becomes popular.

Really wish the term virtual intelligence was used (literally what it is)

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Calls bullshit, facilitates worse bullshit. Classic. I guess I imagined all the hard WORK it took to maintain a home. Remember, if you're not being paid for it, it doesn't count as labor. Fucking hell

Unless you take drugs, doing two or three full body workouts a week separated by 72 (for 2) or 48 (for 3) hours is far more optimal for protein synthesis operation. PPL and upper lower bro splits only work when you literally don't have to worry about recovery (perfect T and other hormones).

But the rest of this is great advice and would recommend Starting Strength before 5x5.

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Also helps that if you're eating protein from a whole foods perspective, an 8oz chicken breast is a lot of food for only ~380 calories. Same goes for all lean proteins and even the fatty kind. You can fit a whole lot more in for equal calories going at whole foods than eating a 1200 calorie muffin.

I'm talking about endogenous and exogenous hormones. Peptides, steroids, sarms and the like. But with training, recovery is always the most important factor for muscle growth with synthesis, so unless you have perfect conditions all the time (impossible for a natural) it's better to optimize around recovery than being in the gym. Starting Strength is great for beginners like OP.

I've been doing a volume Bench Squat 5x5 Dead 1x5/intensity (start by doing heavy weight for sets of 5, when that's too heavy do sets of 3, then down to 5 sets of 1, 3 sets of 1, a single max, then reset) 2 day split with one light day with band work to improve ligaments and neck work to avoid another herniated disc. I honestly consider this the best for naturals in both recovery and time, but with more exercises added in. I'm restricting to the main lifts for powerlifting competition, but adding accessories to focus more on triceps, or rack pulls, etc would be good. Since starting this a few months ago my squat has gone from a 1x5 315 squat to a 415 max and 325 5x5 as a 6'2 natural powerlifter (I've only been lifting seriously for 3 years and powerlifting for a year and a half, my trainer has been training for 15 years and hit a 610 deadlift naturally but now in his 30s with low 300 free test he takes TRT)

5x5s are great, Practical Programming is a good book to follow Starting Strength, I recommend reading Alex Leonidas' Naturally Enhanced for a more hypertrophy approach. The Texas Program is good. Most of these are designed around the same concept of a 2 day full body one volume heavy the other intensity.

Think I actually remember seeing this lol. I saw some fuckin weirdo on a post about how quality of life and level of extreme poverty has only risen saying he doesn't care about that, just that he's fighting to stay work from home, that no doctor will agree with him on being adhd, and that he's tired of working a job that he HAS to socialize with people saying he wish he hadn't been born. Meanwhile, long term relationship, no money problems, but boohoo life is so unfair and the usual city dweller cringe doomerisms.

These people are fucking delusional and in their own psychosis I swear.

Techbros just needed to use the search engine optimization buzzword tbh.

Family having like 13 kids, only 5 maybe making it to teen age, daughter dies in childbirth, 4 kids to 50 type beat.

Population graph after penicillin is very telling

20% after the initial $50 million. The same company that has used that revenue to revolutionize Linux as a gaming platform. Same company that helped fix graphics api integrations. Same company that actually cares about their consumers and the gaming ecosystem?

Shut up commie. It's a private company, has nothing to do with capitalism, and is in no way classifiable as a "megacorporation". This isn't Microsoft or Amazon. Delusional to think Gaben hasn't thought of what happens after he dies and hasn't set up plenty of safeguards.

Also steam launched 20 years ago. It became 'big' in 2008. Every other platform has had more than 5 years to actually get going. Shocker they haven't done it less time, since the blueprint was literally invented by Steam who had to experiment and create the fucking medium in the early days of the internet.

Itachi enters the chat

They're the people who are in the bottom percentile of intelligence, but fail to realize it and instead think every thought they copied from someone else is God's gift to man. Instead of being smart enough to think or move on they'd rather just exist in their bedroom dwelling on the infinite doomscrolling mentality where every other loser who congregates the forum pats them on the back for being another copy-pasted tankie with no social skills.

I have blocked so many communities from showing up because I know I'm going to just see the same trite extremist weirdos over and over. Still would rather use this for memes and random info scrolling over reddit simply because of the development policy differences

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Not offended. I'm making comment it's cringe.

Okay. Dev goes into negative shoveling even more money and retaining the original development team into a product they already released to apologize. New expansion completely revamps the game and ignites hundreds of positive reviews and complete public opinion turnaround.

Now remind me when modern EA ever gave a game post release care. Most of their catalogue is just games they already released but with less features now so they can add it back in 4 years as a marketing ploy to be new. They aren't even in the same league.

That this post is cringe for simplifying a nuanced disability like they have a x_nyan_x blog somewhere. It's literally the omg so relatable template of "Look at me using a disability as a poster for my personality! Give me attention x3"

More power to you if you have ADHD and understand the context that your disabilities don't make you, you've always been. You're just aware that you can be contextualized, but it doesn't give you an excuse to act on it more.

I have BP II, doesn't mean I'm going to go around advertising it like it's all I am or makes me.

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Both games started at the same time and are developed using the same engine and technology so this is honestly just a boring response

You realize they're developing two games simultaneously and the star citizen hate is only banked by people who don't realize they've literally told everyone that SC isn't getting content updates until Squadron 42 is done.

Secondly, buying ships for money is advertised as "do this if you want to support our game". The ship cost being relative to a supporter tier if it was Patreon. Every single ship available can be bought and earned in game without spending more than $35 for the game's basic access package.

Serves dumbasses right who expect news cycled to them and can't do basic 5 minutes of critical thinking to eat slop like this article

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I don't know, it's a good question but my point is how cringe of a hate train this game gets from people who haven't a fucking clue what they're talking about just to farm the feeling they're with the in crowd. RSI has missed a lot of deadlines, but star citizen looks so unfinished because everything they're working on isn't being put in the PU nor heavily marketed. They're not just sitting on a dragons hoard doing nothing

SC itself is self admitted a tech demo and like all early access games you're told to only buy into them if you want to support the game. No one is holding a gun to backers' heads and forcing them to buy jpg concepts

Love the cognitive dissonance of the populist backlash to Trump where even if you look at his 4 years and realize that logically he was pretty much an average (we haven't had a decent one in a loooooong time) president in all categories, he's somehow responsible for every bad in all industries, even where the checks and balances would have prevented him any influence over.

Movies are not a good basis on someone's perception of anything. Their interactions with reality are.