Joe Biden’s DOJ Is Claiming “There Is No Constitutional Right to a Stable Climate”

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We need a sensible, omnipotent one world government under the care of a benevolent, charismatic potentate like Claus Schwab to reign in rogue emitters and punish carbon terrorists!

Like Santa Claus to give gifts to the carbon-neutral and coal to the polluters.

If more coal could not be given to the people already polluting, that'd be great

I'll take AGI enslavement.

Given humanity's track record at self governance, rolling the dice is preferable. We're too cruel, too stupid, too hateful, way too selfish, and basically a danger to ourselves and all other terran life.

We need our keys taken away.

Most people aren't that way I think, it's just that the ones that are amass a ton of resources and get followers and become difficult to deal with by the time normal folks get pushed pass their timidity

Like, Fortune 500 CEOs are 12 times as likely to be diagnosable psychopaths, but a world run by janitors with the right rules to vote by and a free press to keep them honest totally can work imo