GOP Contender Vivek Ramaswamy Thinks 18 Is Too Young to Vote

USA to politics – 247 points –
GOP Contender Vivek Ramaswamy Thinks 18 Is Too Young to Vote

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Can go die in a war at 18, but can't buy a gun until you're 21

Can't drink beer until you're 21, but can vote in general elections at 18

We need to just pick one and go with it, either 18 or 21

I was in a US history class in high school when the teacher said that the drinking age used to be 18, and the voting age used to be 21, but they switched places. He then asked "Why?" And started calling on random students.

When I got picked, my answer was "Fewer drunk voters?"

But more uneducated voters

Education isn't a requirement to vote, so doesn't make sense to play a part in age restricting voting. A now-30 year old who dropped out of high school at a young age is allowed to vote.