
0 Post – 91 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

People are still using that dumpster of a platform?

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It's not the backlash that hurt their sales, it was them being cowards and removing displays that tanked their sales because everyone saw them being cowards and kneeling down to psycho conservatives.

Stand by your principles or you'll just anger everyone

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And the SCOTUS ruled that student debt can't be forgiven, so that's one factor already gone thanks to Trumps SCOTUS nominees (don't forget, Trump got THREE conservative nominees in)

Also I've met so many boomers in my life who have summer homes, vacation homes, winter homes, homes that are not even used for half the year, it's absolutely insane. The real estate market in this country is completely unhinged

Take a wild guess at who the President of FIDE is, if you're wondering why and it'll make sense

Just kidding, no need to guess, here you go:


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When you're so racist even a conservative Supreme Court is telling you to chill out

Can go die in a war at 18, but can't buy a gun until you're 21

Can't drink beer until you're 21, but can vote in general elections at 18

We need to just pick one and go with it, either 18 or 21

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So it wasn't the student, it was the kids PARENT that was offended

These people are mentally disturbed and they probably shouldn't be allowed to have kids

With all due to respect, if your family was massacred by religious zealots you'd kind of hate that religion too. You can't blame some people for not liking a religion that subjected them to cruelty, it's victim blaming.

Just look at Iran if you want a great example of a Theocratic State formed by religious zealots. No one wants that. Which is why so many flee places like that to begin with and go to the west

This is simply religious nutjobs not getting their way and then using violence and intimidating to get what they want

The majority of men are lonely, isolated and uncared for

Suicide rates are down amongst the youngest, the highest suicide rates are from people over 50 and specifically, white people over 50

Next step? They're already doing it. You don't need to be overtly racist to segregate communities fyi, income brackets and gerrymandering do a wonderful job at promoting racial segregation without the need to be outwardly bigoted

A lot of stereotypes are based on pure racism and general prejudice

Here's an idea:

Stop using AI to do research and do your own like an intelligent person

there, I solved the problem, where's my Noble Prize now

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Someone needs to archive the Internet Archive before we lose it

Everyone stopped caring about us after Biden got into office, this news will probably just get buried

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The Daily Shart has never been anything but tabloid garbage, no one should ever be subjected to anything from that publication for the good of all humankind

It feels like as soon as Biden got into office a lot of people on the left threw their BLM signs in the garbage and stopped caring. Now I'm starting to see more and more on the left detach themselves from people of color and go right back to the white worship they were doing before. Every single time a person of color is now a lead in anything there's just nothing but endless controversy and both conservatives and liberals just complain

But put a white person in a lead? Nothing but sunshine and "we're starting to heal" nonsense

Really sick of it now, and it's completely soured me on wanting to vote again

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I brought this up on your instance and the mod deleted it and called me a slur

I'd say by the amount of comments on here that no one actually cares in Europe about the rise of Fascism, as whenever it gets brought up, people just deflect. Reddit was notorious for this

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"I have a similar concern for seniors and persons with disabilities,"

Gotta love the casual racism

Trump voters would've been the Romans crucifying Jesus because he was "disrespecting Roman authority" at the time and being a nuisance.

Why do so many Asian-Americans in this country ally themselves with White Nationalists? I don't get this country sometimes

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No, but because it's the 4th largest country by landmass of course you're going to have more craziness, it's par for the course.

It's a lot safer then it used to be though, it just seems bad because we don't censor things here compared to other countries, so everyone sees the good and the bad as opposed to just the good

They were organized and funded by NASA, not him, like everything else he just takes the credit for others work

It was a German court apparently, according to the article

America runs on slavery, it's just that the slaves aren't here anymore, they're in the poorest countries

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We have to do a better job of convincing them that they're just being useful idiots, I don't know why people like Andy Ngo haven't realized it yet, I'm certain he's dealt with a lot of racism by now from these Nazis he defends

Someone must be paying him a lot of money

The f***? What the hell is that racist garbage?

Are you the only one? Yes

Then stop using electronics

Every electronic device you own is made from slave labor, the rare-earth elements needed are mined by slaves in Africa, bought by Chinese Slave Owners and then manufactured in China to send to the west

If you don't want Hamas to exist then Israelis need to leave the country that doesn't belong to them.

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No offence, but Joe Rogaine was a moron from the start and his podcasts were always bottom of the barrel garbage

Oh so now we're defending the feds who target activists and shut down freedom of the press? This isn't the Democratic party anymore

This is the end result of having libertarian techbros running the social media show and it doesn't look like it's going to be changing anytime soon

Rolling Stone is not a valid news source

Yeah and that's a weird thing to say, doesn't make it any better

Obama didn't start that, that was Clinton in

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Cleans the air of what?

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Stealing Palestinian lands that the people didn't agree to give up is literally genocide

Just say black people, I know right away that's what you mean, just let the mask off

I remember Bill Gates talking about this like a decade ago and then nothing came of it, that's all I remember