John Deere brags about sabotaging competitors & customers on hot mic - they're PROUD of it! to – 1366 points –
John Deere brags about sabotaging competitors & customers on hot mic - they're PROUD of it!

John Deere brags about sabotaging competitors & customers on hot mic - they're PROUD of it!


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Because it's idiotic and non-actionable. I didn't down vote him though. I say go ahead and try it, see how far you get. John Deer has lots of money, it's not like they wouldn't act to stop you. They'll sue you into oblivion and they won't even need a case with merit to drive your little startup into the ground. They'll just outspend you, not to mention they'll have consolidated supply lines that you'll need and that they will not share. The first rule of capitalism is that competition is not to be tolerated.

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