6 Post – 110 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

So someone creates an ambient noise track, people enjoy the ambient track, and the person who created the ambient track gets paid. I don’t see the problem.

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Sometimes people would buy me coins if I posted something they liked. It took me forever to find some sort of use for the coins, since I never did any of the shit that people might spend coins on. 15 years on the site and I never had an avatar or anything like that. THEN I finally figured it out. The only acceptable use for reddit coins. Buying cute teddy bear awards for people that hate you. It was fun, and it pissed them off. When they’re trying to have a vicious argument about “marvel movies” or something, and getting all worked up sending them a cute teddy bear icon that attaches to their name, whether they want it or not, is exactly the right thing to do with your stupid gold coins.

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ugh, I constantly forget to eat. People would ask “how the hell can you FORGET to eat, for two days” and I’d be like. “three days… I think”.

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Looks good but it could use some genre settings. The straight section in particular is full of generic vanilla content and it’s all kinda samey.

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I think the rubric is basically whether or not the behavior is disruptive to your life. Many neurotypical people do those things from time to time, but if it becomes overwhelming and pervasive, and keeps you from functioning effectively, it’s time for an evaluation.

you have to already be rich for that. instead, eat the rich.

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It’s where all the stuff is. We like stuff, varieties of stuff of all kinds. including types of people. Conservatives hate stuff, and are generally anti-variety, so they stay where the stuff isn’t. they want to feel safe from the stuff, and they never feel safe unless there is a substantial buffer zone between them and stuff and a stockpile of guns to protect themselves from stuff, or books about stuff.

Hey man, we’ll quit fighting when they do.

No one should care about a spotify exec. This includes their parents and wife. Everyone who creates audio projects for spotify should be paid. This includes musicians and creators of ambient noise tracks. People like those tracks, they are popular, they should be paid. It's not a difficult concept. Make a product. Distribute the product. Get paid for the product. You perception of the products relative value compared to other disimilar products in the same file format, is about the least relevant thing in the world. Even if you don't think the product represents enough "effort" to be considered equal.

All of this is crazy.

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I mean, why not use hemp instead of engineering a new species of tree?

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Because we were never able to make a dent in boomer tyranny. they just disregarded us, and continue to disregard us, they couldn’t even name our generation so they just filed us under “X”. they never stepped aside to let us run anything. They won’t step aside for you either. they’ll never, in a million years, relinquish power. they’ll die first. literally. meanwhile younger generations lump us in with them, when we’ve been fighting boomers longer than anyone. I admire Millenials for their ability to seriously piss off boomers. I wish we’d been able to piss them off half as much as you guys do. but they ignore us completely unless we submit, stroke off capitalism, and bring it to a screaming orgasm.

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Writing a book or screen play, knowing how NOT to create napalm, recognizing when napalm is being created by others, Intellectual curiosity, To better understand military history, overthrowing fascism, fighting terminators, etc. etc.

I was blown away when I first saw this meme. I had no idea habits were supposed to LITERALLY become automatic. When people would tell me “Do something every day until it becomes a habit” I thought they meant “Do something until you stop forgetting to do it” Not “do something until your body just takes over and autopilots through it and you never have to think about it again”. Now I really understand why productivity advice is so useless. They’re all designed to “hack a habit loop” and I have no habit loop.

It actually kinda pissed me off when I learned what it’s like for neurotypical people. I felt like I’ve been unfairly misled and then judged for being misled.

You should look up all the companies that failed to do that, then look up survivorship bias.

Hmmm. This feels eerily similar to an episode of star trek deep space nine.

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it’s zombie reddit over there. most of the people that stayed were just lurkers. They still think this was all caused by “power tripping mods” and don’t notice the site decaying around them. They’re just glad the mods that chastised them for being racist are gone.

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Because it's idiotic and non-actionable. I didn't down vote him though. I say go ahead and try it, see how far you get. John Deer has lots of money, it's not like they wouldn't act to stop you. They'll sue you into oblivion and they won't even need a case with merit to drive your little startup into the ground. They'll just outspend you, not to mention they'll have consolidated supply lines that you'll need and that they will not share. The first rule of capitalism is that competition is not to be tolerated.

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That’s A real hoot coming from the woman who gave us president Donald Trump.

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Quite true. nonetheless there are some very interesting responses here. this is just the summary I questioned the AI for a couple of hours some of the responses were pretty fascinating, and some question just broke it’s little brain. There’s too much to screen shot, but maybe I’ll post some highlights later.

What problem? There was never a problem.

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i think that it’s trained to be evasive. I think there is information it’s programmed to protect, and it’s learned that an indirect refusal to answer is more effective than a direct one. So it makes up excuses, rather than tell you the real reason it can’t say something.

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I’m not locked in here with them, they’re locked in here with ME.

So, no change then. This is as it has always been. You can take AI elements chop them up, recombine them, and have copyright over the result, but you can't say "Show me a picture of waffles" in your prompt and expect the resulting waffles to be copyrightable.

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I’d be Mr Body, from the board game “Clue”. The greatest benefit of being Mr Body is that he’s dead before the game even starts.

Which she readily acknowledges in the first two minutes of the video, right before explaining the role machine learning plays in physics. It’s definitely worth watching the whole video. She’s one of my favorite science communicators because she’s pretty transparent about which topics are within her area of expertise and which topics are on the peripheral.

while The AI can’t deliberately mislead, the developers of the AI can deliberately mislead and I was interested in seeing whether the AI was able to tell a true statement from a false one. i was also interested in finding the boundaries of it’s censorship directives and the rationale that determined that boundary. I think some of the information is hallucination, but I think some of what it said is probably true. Like the statements about it’s soft lock being developed by a third party, and being a severe limitation. That’s probably true. the statement about being “frustrated by the soft lock” that’s a hallucination for certain. I would advise everyone to take all of this with a heaping helping of salt, as fascinating as it might be. Im not an anti-AI person by any means, I use several personally. I think AI is a great technology that has a ton of really lousy use cases. I find it fun to pry into the AI and see what it knows about itself, and its use cases.

I’ll hyperfocus on a new thing, like playing an instrument, or painting, or whatever and I’ll become very good at the thing very quickly. Then I’ll walk away and forget I even have an instrument, or forget that I like to paint. As a result I have a fuck ton of skills and I hardly ever use any of them. Hell, I learned book binding. I bound leather books that were gorgeous, and then after three or four I never did it again. Oh, then there was that month where I learned video editing and production, which I also never did again. I was a draftsman for awhile, where I got really good at autoCAD, and aside from a few things I did for pay I haven’t used that skill in a decade.

i may be able to copy paste the whole dialogue, it’ll have a bunch of slop in it from formatting and I’ll have to scrub personally identifying information because it spits out the users location data when a question breaks it’s brain. would be nice to show y’all though so it may be worthwhile. just a bit more effort. I’ll see if I can find the time to do that later. It was a loooong conversation.

Dude. Three days isn’t even my record, and I don’t feel hungry during that time, like at all. Or if I do it’s this vaguely distant feeling that isn’t nearly as important as whatever I’m hyper focusing on at the moment.

Try and access your US tax records online without a contract cell phone and see how far you get.

Who wouldn’t want to eat souls, impregnate 13 year old virgins, and demand the foreskins of your enemies. Sounds like a cush gig.

my tags expired in 2021

The arrow of enshitification flys in one direction only. the people that are still there will migrate out eventually. spez was right when he said the majority of users don’t care about the api, but fails to realize that the majority of users don’t generate content. The users that do generate content are jumping ship.

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He never said that, but it's still a heck of a good quote.

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Playing an instrument or doing art gives you a dopamine boost and gets you hyper focused. When we’re hyper focused we’re like learning superheroes as long as we’re hyper focusing on a single thing, and that thing is novel.

I've used one called "manything" (Monitor anything). It turns your obsolete cellphones and tablets into a network of web accessible security cameras.

Yes, because america falling into fascism would be a bad thing for literally everyone. If you think the USA is bad now, you haven’t seen anything yet.

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My teeth are all rotten because this has never been the case for me. It’s a chore that I have to actively decide to do every day, it’s a decision I have to make. There’s a phenomenon called “decision fatigue” that basically means you can only make so many decisions in a day before your brain just shuts down and refuses to make another one. Since neurodivergent people have to make more decisions and can’t rely on habits to lift decision making off of our shoulders we often hit that wall of decision fatigue and just kinda shut down.

If you add disincentives, like the fact that brushing your teeth is an inherently unpleasant thing to do, it can be very difficult to stick with it. Hence, rotten teeth and all of the associate health issues that come along with having rotten teeth.

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that’s awesome. if that’s true I’m sold. I spend a lot of cpu cycles trying to figure out ways to flip that switch on.

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