Town fires librarian who worked there for 11 years because she refused to remove LGBTQ+ books

USA to politics – 1165 points –
Town fires librarian who worked there for 11 years because she refused to remove LGBTQ+ books

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so we can forcebly stop selling guns because that's "not banning"?

Yeap, the fed can stop selling guns, no problem. They are not going to takr the guns you own are they? That is what banning would be. Are they caking your books? Nope, just like they are not taking your guns.

so, if I've understood you correctly - once you buy one single gun, there is no need to buy any other gun? nor for anyone else to buy a gun as they could just use your gun?

do you envision it like one gun for the whole country? or per state? would you use like a calendly link to book the gun?

Tha fuck are you talking about? Lol. You can buy as many guys as you want just like you can buy any book as many times as you want. Or sell, just dint foce anybody to buy you book that it would not sell by itself :)

ok, don't force anyone to support a war machine they don't want. don't force anyone to support roads they don't want built. don't force anyone to build hospitals, or fire stations, or schools, or sewers, or cut down trees, or maintain a police force.

what you seem to be missing is that I'm not literally claiming we should actively do things I'm saying

I'm making fun of the ridiculous points by making equally spurious suggestions in the other direction. my intention isn't to convince anyone that my comments are the correct course of action, they are simply mocking the ideas by parroting and rephrasing the sentiment.

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Yes you can force the government to stop selling guns bought with tax payers money. What a stupid take.

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