Playing MGS3 blind after finishing MGS4 to – 22 points –

I know its a bit late, but i never had a ps2, and after that skipped on 3 untill few days ago when i got an used ps3 with plenty of games.

I love how much MGS3 is over the top, with Ocelot meowing and such, but man do i miss crouch sneaking and over the shoulder aiming from MGS4


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Any tips for fast aiming? Like from 3d view, not through weapon singhts because then i cannot move? I managed to own Ocelot with just mk22 stun, but the Pain is so irritating that if i could i would use all the grenades and white phospor ones if i could aim fast

It's not really built for that, but I think if you hold L1 while your weapon is held out in front of you, it will focus your aim horizontally toward the nearest enemy. Then fine tuning your shot in first person will be faster.

I thought as much but sometimes it makes it swipe from side to side too fast and cannot take aim of anything. like moving and shooting at the same time is almost impossible

Yeah, it was designed as a top down game first. The behind the back camera was added later. Just don't think of it as a game where you need to do a lot of moving and shooting at the same time.

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