Playing MGS3 blind after finishing MGS4 to – 22 points –

I know its a bit late, but i never had a ps2, and after that skipped on 3 untill few days ago when i got an used ps3 with plenty of games.

I love how much MGS3 is over the top, with Ocelot meowing and such, but man do i miss crouch sneaking and over the shoulder aiming from MGS4


3 is my favourite game in the series. I absolutely hated how it started when I first played through, but once it got going and I got the hang of some of the mechanics, it just clicked. The story is great, the bosses are interesting, the setting is cool. It just hits all the right notes.

MGS3 is such an experience, enjoy it! It's remarkable how much depth got crammed in to the MGS games, even just in the codec calls alone.

Used PS3 is really a great system right now, most of them can be soft modded to play ps1-3 games, and you can install any size sata drive you want! I have a ps2 but the upscaling isn’t as good as having a system that has hdmi on it and upscales itself.

Its getting its share of arcade roms, some snes titles i absolutely always want to play.

MSG3 is practically a bond movie turned into a video game and i love it

It's bloody beautiful and imo is the best of the best.