35 Post – 97 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It really doesnt. Youre welcome to submit your resume into a place even if you dont meet all the qualifications(in fact, I'd recommend it) but lying comes off bad pretty much anywhere. If you cant show that your resume even kind of reflects your skillset any potential employer is gonna write you off

Thanks. Taking clicks away from the American conservative is a public service

The full title is "YEAH! YOU WANT 'THOSE GAMES,' RIGHT? SO HERE YOU GO! NOW, LET'S SEE YOU CLEAR THEM!" But the article shortens the title for readibility. I think it's very straightforward

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RSS was absolutely the shit

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Imma be honest, this sounds like some silicon valley futurist arrogance nonsense. Tech literally cannot usurp paper in terms of ease of use or how cheap it is to access. Paper is a renewable resource that requires a minimal amount of effort to process and create while every computer requires rare elements that have to be mined out of the ground in limited qualities. App makers still havent been able to create a decent note taking app and its been what, 15 years give or take since the tablet?

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Makes sense. Neither of those films looked great and Ezra Miller being themselves sunk the flash before the previews even showed

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If you havent you should subscribe to Marcel Vos on youtube. He has like a thousand videos going deep into OpenRCT2

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I was just watching an old VHS recording where someone was offering an associates in TV/VCR Repair. Maybe it was a certificate tho

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Yeah I've said it again and again but lemmynsfw ruins its UX by keeping around thousands of worthless celebrity groups all with single digit levels of subscribers and some without any fucking posts on em, but my rant always seems to fall on deaf ears for whatever reason.

Anyway check out lemmy411, there are a couple groups in lemmynsfw that arent just lame as shit cheesecake shots. Gonewild, boobs, and ass are all fairly active thinking off the top of my head

Edit: i checked it again and it actually looks like theyre gone so i dunno

Sounds more like they're spouting old gay predator stereotypes from the 80s-2000s

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Netgear. Being told to "subscribe" for basic customer service made me get a whole new modem cause I'm not putting up with that bullshit

Microsoft saw Nintendo make the sequel to the Wii the Wii U and said " that's an awesome naming convention, lets do that until the end of time"

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Yeah and Skoal really wants to convince you cigarettes arent bad for you

Yes it already has

Anonymous Official 🙄

No way! This is still my favorite Mario RPG i cant believe they're finally doing something with the series! They've always been so reluctant to even acknowledge its existence since it got released

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Absolutely not.

Same way pyramid schemes do: convince others that it makes cash and sell it to some sucker down the line

Google colonoscopy prep

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Yeah my instance does that.

It doesnt help that this website is yet another daily wire like

Jesus christ what blood sucking billionaire thought it was a good idea to give Bari Weiss another website?

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Well i mean voat was a non-starter. I was there. Its creation was the tale as old as time, whiny toxic users complaining about "censorship" as whiny toxic people tend to do. I feel like comparing the fatpeoplehate lynch mob calling ellen pao "chairman pao" to the community's hatred of reddit's IPOification very bad faith. Lemmy is incredibly young which means its tools arent robust yet. It also means the devs(which given they had a slur filter is streets ahead of early reddit admins philosophy) have to battle bad actors and develop weapons and policies to combat them. I've done it before, it's difficult. Give it time.

Nah man, crypto was built in the circles of libertarian goldbugs in an attempt to privatize the dollar. Ultimately the aim of crypto is the opposite of the fediverse: to take away (theoretically) popular control of the dollar and throw it into corporate hands.

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They're absolutely right. Blockchain is a good representation of whats wrong in tech

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Its easy comedy. It's so much easier to write what you're thinking about when you're writing the script rather than actually coming up with a joke or something in-character for someone to say. Right up there with references and gross out humor in the lazy writers playbook

Oh shit i had no idea! Corrected

As long as you're not choosing based on superstition i dont think its wrong personally

Chip and Ironicus did a whole series on the metal gear series which is worth a watch. I'd also recommend watching Tietuesday dunk on that awful Wii U PacMan game

Its just an old space ghost reference

The big thing that web3(which includes the blockchain) represents to me is big tech's magpie-like tendencies, an attraction to shiny and new things for the sake of them without any thought towards how it will bring value to the customer. Everything new has to be presented as big and inevitable as home computing was in the 80s. The problem though is that even if we give web3 the most generous bearth it is at best an iterative improvement that can only truly improve certain niches. And we've seen this toxic hype cycle with everything whether that be the cloud or VR/AR or even 3D Technology back in the day.

The world of microfossils is fucking wild. It still blows my mind we found any of em

This is true. I've had a similar error with communities I'm subbed to. Chalk it up to growing pains

The metaverse is silicon valley's attempt to force mass adoption from the top down but tech has never worked like that. Mass adoption comes from the bottom up and selling a worthwhile product that makes peoples lives better. their only product is an aesthetic with a very limited niche at best.

Maintaining a community is never easy

It would be nice if this article included a map, NOAA didn't have anything on it

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Yeah but it also means they can fester and rot in their little holes. You dont have to worry about an administration that is obsessed with free speech like its a good thing letting a colony like exploding heads in if you join the correct instance

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I hope it has a good postgame unlike 15. I was so heartbroken when i finished that game and the postgame was a chapter select

Print out the board and put it in the air fryer at 350 f for 5 minutes