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Imma be honest, this sounds like some silicon valley futurist arrogance nonsense. Tech literally cannot usurp paper in terms of ease of use or how cheap it is to access. Paper is a renewable resource that requires a minimal amount of effort to process and create while every computer requires rare elements that have to be mined out of the ground in limited qualities. App makers still havent been able to create a decent note taking app and its been what, 15 years give or take since the tablet?

No, this just sound like some lazy person's weird vision of a future without paper because writing takes too much energy.

(The lazy person is me)

Tech literally cannot usurp paper in terms of ease of use or how cheap it is to access.

Idk man, if I wanted to write out this comment I can just whip out my phone, but if I wanted to write on paper I'd have to go and actually find paper, find a pen that works, if I don't then I have to find a pencil that's sharpened, and if it's not then I have to find a pencil sharpener

Even if I had a pen and paper always on me like my phone, I type significantly faster on my phone compared to writing on paper anyways, and typing take significantly less effort than writing does

Yeah but if you didnt have a phone how much would you have to spend to get one? 500 dollars? 1000 dollars? You might not have them now but it costs like maybe 10 bucks to fix that.

undefined> Idk man, if I wanted to write out this comment I can just whip out my phone

And what if you need to give an email to someone, quickly, you give them your phone? Go through the hoops of exchanging contact information? Potentially breaching your peace of mind ?