How is former president of the US Donald Trump still free when a lot of the accomplices in things he has been indicted for are already in jail and or prison except him? to No Stupid – 665 points –

I am asking here because all the political subs don't allow a question, and US politics used to seemed so simple until to understand this man came along.


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You act like the two options are mutually exclusive.

They're not, at least not inherently. But afaik there's no evidence of Trump or his administration working with Russia. Russia did interfere through social media ads and troll farms spreading disinformation, but unless there's something I'm missing, the idea of collusion between them and Trump is just speculation

Other than the Manafort/Kilminik stuff and Roger Stone being found guilty of obstructing the investigating of ties to Russia (surely you don't to that if you don't need to) there were only less-than-conviction-worthy actions by straight up everyone in his circle.

The roger stone stuff sounds pretty sus, I haven't heard about that or the manafort/kilminik stuff, I'll look that up

Ladies and gentlemen; may I present... another fucking snowflake.

There's a massive steaming pile of bad shit you can call out Trump and his administration for, working with Russia isn't one of them. If that makes me a snowflake then merry Christmas, hope you find president Hillary under your tree :3