How Will We Know When AI is Conscious? to – 69 points –
How Will We Know When AI is Conscious?

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Is anyone else really confused why so many people are concerned about this when the Earth is literally boiling away and fascists are integrating themselves into every government system? I'm not saying we should be completely ignoring this concern but I just do not understand the obsession with it. My dad keeps talking about the AI singularity and I'm like that's the least of our problems right now? Maybe that's just me but...

I am one of those people who's pretty concerned about AI, but not cause of the singularity thing. (the singularity hypothesis seems kinda silly to me)

I'm mostly concerned about the stuff that billionaires are gonna do with AI to screw us over, and the ways that it'll be used as a political tool, like to spread misinformation and such.

This right here. We're barreling head-first into a dystopia, but not because the machines are taking over. But because billionaires care more about the bottom line than human lives, and tech bros think they have some god-given right to remake society in their own image.

I think those other things exacerbate the fear in "AI". Like, on top of all of that other stuff, some fancy new software is starting to take jobs in writing, journalism, art, voiceovers, etc.

My only hope that some kind of stable global civilization will survive the problems you point out is that we get a Singularity and it's a combination of benevolent AND assertive. I feel like there's like... lottery ticket chances of that, and yet it's MORE likely than humans being able to enact solutions before it's too late.

Everyone has different experiences, interests, & focuses in life which determine what they prioritize.

Communities survive & die due to shared desires, understandings, & experiences after all, no matter how quaint or in someone's eyes, misinformed it may be.

Regardless, I think the AI singularity thing is just the old mindset of we have a problem today, let's make up a solution because it's more comfortable to do that than accept the powerlessness of no answer.