Adora 🏳️‍⚧️

@Adora 🏳️‍⚧️
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Joined 1 years ago

queer/trans nonbinary comrade with brain issues. he/they.

Would really appreciate it if this article had actual links to supporting articles/documentation. I can't find anything recent in the news that corroborates this number. Admittedly I didn't look too hard, but still - OP do you have any additional sources here? This website is vague af

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I feel like normally I would share y'all's view on this and be like "good" but now I can't help think about how Twitter was a critical space for organizing a lot of resistance movements. Really starting to believe those pieces that were like "Musk bought Twitter to bury it"

We were all like "he's not that smart" at the first few articles, but now I'm like, this dude has poisoned the well so utterly - and now he's getting rid of blocking, apparently? - like, fuck. (And yes organizing on a corpo platform was never going to be truly reliable/safe, but still, esp for folks just getting exposed to activism, this "on ramp" space going to shit really sucks.)

I know we'll always find/create new spaces for ourselves, but this is a blow to a lot of networks.

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I've come to assume that legit everyone, regardless of their political or community affiliation (YES, INCLUDING TRANS PEOPLE/SPACES), is transphobic until proven otherwise. I trust no one these days. But I'm really sorry you experienced this ignorance & harm in a space that SHOULD be accepting... It gets so fucking tiring. You're a beautiful woman and NO ONE can take that truth from you.

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I read this as someone being real mad that the game is chaotic, and it's like, that's the best part about the game to me? There's no ACTUAL DM, so the next best thing is what in my mind I'm calling the "death loop" system, just being able to go back and load a different save. At a game table the DM would, within reason, find a way to work with PCs being ridiculous; since it's not possible to truly replicate that, the game just embeds chaos in the decision trees instead. That's literally what makes it so fun. Most of the time the game is telegraphing what the real dumbass choices are, but I like how it's not always immediately obvious. It keeps me on my toes. And sometimes I just save before choosing the stupidest option simply because I want to watch that shit play out.

I just feel like they've fundamentally misunderstood the point here.

They are called TWEETS, ELON! TWEETS!

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Discord: "The biggest problem: our current usernames can often be too complicated or obscure for people to remember and share easily."

Tumblr: "The underlying problem is that Tumblr is not easy to use."

Why does everyone think we are collectively too stupid to figure out how to use the internet? Like holy crap.

Yeah, I know these updates are geared toward a very specific audience, but I'm allowed to resent that, lol. Stop infantilizing users; we are not stupid.

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Is anyone else really confused why so many people are concerned about this when the Earth is literally boiling away and fascists are integrating themselves into every government system? I'm not saying we should be completely ignoring this concern but I just do not understand the obsession with it. My dad keeps talking about the AI singularity and I'm like that's the least of our problems right now? Maybe that's just me but...

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Of course, French went out and protested anyway, lol. Did they really think they can stop the spirit of resistance in France of all places? It's laughable. The government may be going off the deep end, but that doesn't mean all French are, thank God.

Lol how dare he frame this like he's firing employees for not doing their jobs. This isn't a job dipshit, it's unpaid volunteer labor that for some dumbass reason you think you're entitled to just for offering an empty room for people to walk in, decorate, and create community in. Honestly what a POS.

I'm a non-techie and don't understand half of this, but from what I do understand, this is a goddamn nightmare. The world is seriously going to shit.

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She is a very foolish and hateful person, and to me, very hateful people are usually deeply insecure and fearful individuals. This is why (imo) they are so receptive to cult-like thinking and conspiracy theories. She has done real damage to herself and others by letting her fearful emotions dictate her behavior. Now she's seeing the results of that foolishness, and I think she's realized, at least somewhat, that she fucked up.

Sure, too little too late is real easy to say here (and that was my knee-jerk reaction too) but we've got to keep the door open for the folks who are actually willing, for however briefly, to break away from the cult of hate mindset and ask for help. Like think about watching a cult documentary where you see folks being preyed on and recruited in because of their financial precarity or lack of sustainable support networks. You want those people to escape. If they do heinous shit while in the cult, you want them to experience consequences, but you also want them to escape.

This alt-right shit is just like that, in a way. And we need to support people like this who are trying to escape, even if they fucked up royally during their time with the cult. We don't have to forgive them for their fuck ups, but we do need to leave the door open and show them it doesn't need to be like this. I hate to say it but we need to educate. And yes I'm over having to educate every fucking day of my life but we've got to do it, especially considering states are ripping away any semblance of a balanced, empathetic education right now. A whole generation is being set up to fail and cause harm. We've got to fight back.

I embrace her - not her actions, but her worth as a human being with the capacity and even, it seems, willingness to change. What she did was despicable but she's apologized; she may be lying but I can't know that, so I have to accept her remorse at face value and hope that she follows through.

But the cult is very insidious. If she doesn't receive support now, she'll fall back into that mindset, I guarantee it. Now is the time to be gracious and extend her a hand that, based on her actions, maybe she doesn't deserve. But we need to do it anyway.

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Is this a fucking joke?? Holy shit lmao.

Anyway. Reported for the total lack of discussion points around this transphobic garbage; if you're going to post this without any framework for critical engagement, I'm left thinking you agree with this bullshit, and I don't need that energy on my tl right now thanks.

What the actual fuck. This needs more coverage. So sick of this shit! Going to try and boost this elsewhere

Well there's a headline I never thought I'd see. It's official y'all. This is the worst timeline.

As former crew... Fuck corporate lol

Absolutely fucking ridiculous that these folks were taken to court for feeding their fellow man. Like sorry to bee unkind for a sec, but what the actual goddamn shit, fuck the police

Came for the discussion, stayed for the kitchen description. Good shit on all counts, OP.

I'm really glad they ask a screening question. It takes like max 30 seconds of your time to form coherent thoughts and add them to the form. I want to have discussions with folks who are capable of doing that.

Leaving Reddit made me realize that being a part of a truly affirming & thoughtful space is still possible. I'm so used to taking all the racism and classism and transphobia for granted - like "oh I'm on the internet, of course people are complete garbage." What if we all had a stake in making spaces that actually serve us? What if we were ALL a little more invested in contributing? Seeing all the folks coming from Reddit complaining about how the Fediverse is just infuriating & and impossible to understand kinda shook me, too. I was like that for the first like 3 hours of trying to figure out what the Fediverse is - "why isn't there just one fucking website and I can search all the fucking communities and see them all in one gd place holy shit I hate this, way to make it unnecessarily complicated" - and then I went and read about it and figured it out (somewhat). I put in a little effort. Realized, holy shit, I'm so fucking apathetic after years of companies spoon-feeding me shit in exchange for my personal data. Like "just make it easy whiiine yes accept all cookies yes you can read all my messages and contacts whatever just open the damn app" and it's like. Fuck it doesn't need to BE like this. We don't NEED to just put up with this shit.

Life is always kicking my ass and sometimes writing 3 coherent sentences after a week of working and not enough sleep is just too much. Like I'm constantly burnt out and sometimes, it really is too much. But if we all did even .5% more, if we thought about what we were doing and put even that .5% more effort, if we committed to thinking and contributing just .5% more, maybe we could really make shit happen. I think it's worth a try.

So yeah, I wrote a few lines on my application. Come on y'all, we can do this.

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Every time I see Jake G in something I feel like I'm seeing like 30% of his barely-contained power. Like it doesn't matter what the role is, I feel like I'm watching a dude who is seconds away from a full-blown, atrocity-plagued identity crisis.

Everybody gather round for a real horror story: I chose mine because of Harry Potter before JKR came out as a transphobe. I already felt the books had problematic elements back when I chose my names (and the writing isn't like AMAZING or anything), but the fandom made a LOT of things better and wrote a lot of wonderful stuff that reclaimed a bunch of things about her world (sure it was all AUs but still). It was so fun to let my mind run wild in the fandom sandbox - I felt really free.

I had already come out with my names and had been using them for years by the time JKR went all extra with the TERF bullshit. I get depressed thinking about this to this day. Lol.

Really appreciate you sharing your insight here. It's given me a lot to think about. Thank you!

...normally I would be like "hell no" but these days...being broke and dreaming of our own house so bad...yeah I'd do it.

I use this app and I really love it; I've even donated in the past. The pictures are awesome & it's so fun to see which one will load. I have even paid for a personal license for one of those background pics so I could use it as a wallpaper.

I don't know how this never occurred to me but yes, this sounds right. Fuck this is terrifying.

Welp, this is my first time hearing about this whole Twitter debacle so this is just great. What a way to end the night.

Appreciate the author for the thorough overview, though. Thanks for sharing this.

Signal. We just have a group chat. No idea what the extended family is up to anymore though.

You're AuDHD, and I believe everything that's happening to you at home. It's real and you're not lying or making it up. You don't deserve this. You're a good person and your family wasn't prepared or willing to meet your needs. You are NOT a burden or an unlovable, broken failure of a child. You are BEAUTIFUL.

Keep writing & fiercely loving your stories - NEVER give up on them, or anything else that brings you joy; your interests & passions & the woman you love (and that love is NOT wrong) are your family now.

Oh no. I am so sorry. Sending light and healing energy to your family & theirs.

I'm stressed as hell. I'm sorry you are too. World is on fire, my job melted down this week, my partner may have an inflammatory disease and her contract will be up next summer unless she gets a new job... No idea if we might be moving in the next year... Just spent $2k on my car and there goes my savings... But, I'm hopeful my job we will be better soon, and I'm lucky I have a job that lets me take time off to help my partner. And if we could just get out of summer, and autumn could favorite season, nice cool weather and bright skies - hoping for that, and hoping you find some light too.

Are trans rights human rights or not? You think it's fine for a trans women to be raped and murdered in a men's prison because her politics are shit? Well, thanks for letting us know where you stand.

Florida's government is fucking despicable, holy shit. So many people are suffering; it feels like we are going to need a massive underground intervention to get people out of this fucking hell hole. How are there this many selfish assholes running one state? How do these people sleep at night knowing they've fucked over 2000 medically fragile children? I just can't

Growing up with my parents.

Hi friend. I'm going to be upfront that I didn't totally follow your post, but I sense a lot of angst here about having thoughts that you believe might be transphobic. It's okay to experience transphobic thoughts; it's not okay to avoid critically examining those thoughts or to act on those thoughts. It seems to me that you're committed to thinking critically about these thoughts when they come up for you, and so I think you're doing great.

Before I realized I was trans, I was transphobic - not hostile, but fearful and basically ghosted someone who trusted me enough to come out to me. I regret that to this day. If I could meet that person again, and he still wanted to interact with me, we'd have a lot to talk about now. But I also understand if he wouldn't want to interact with me ever again - that makes total sense. He trusted me with his truth and I failed him as a friend.

No one in this world is free of bias. No one's thoughts are 100% pure and unobjectionable every second of every day. That's just reality. What matters is our commitment to doing better and being better. What matters is how we behave - how we treat others in spite of the fucked up conditioning we may have had growing up.

Keep questioning, keep learning. You're doing great.

I'm so sorry. Many people harbor these kind of beliefs and just keep them to themselves. Cracking open a door into someone's heart and finding darkness there is always devastating. I've been betrayed by a lot of people this way - people who are ready to smile and make nice but secretly think you're delusional and that trans people just decide to be trans so we can get attention (oh, we get attention all right - the bad kind!) and be professional victims or some such bullshit. These people are deeply insecure and angry - possibly even resentful - when they see trans people thriving. Like all bigots, they are projecting their own emotional baggage onto you.

Unfortunately, we can't control other people's behavior; we can't force others to rightfully embrace love. We can only control ourselves & our own reactions. If you feel it's safe to continue associating with this person, and you want to do so, you can attempt to educate them (with the caveat that this will be a soul-crushing experience regardless of whether you change their mind - and you may never change their mind). Otherwise, you should distance yourself from this person and aggressively tend to yourself and your spirit during this time. For every bit of pain you felt finding out this horrible truth about your friend, love yourself tenfold. Love yourself in spite of this. Love yourself a thousand times more deeply for hearing this. Seek out joy & comfort from friends and activities that enrich you. Allow yourself to grieve the relationship you thought you had with this person, and then strengthen the relationships of those who love you for who you are.

Take care of yourself now and always, my friend. Sending love & light your way.

I love my pierced ears too!! So happy for you! Do you have any fav earrings yet?

This is hilarious omg lmao.

Did my part! Thanks mods!

I literally forgot what it was like to browse content without sponsored ads strangling my feed.

I remain confident that Earth will survive humanity, even if humanity doesn't. But I can definitely see her making our inevitable demise a hellish experience, considering how horribly many of us have treated her.

Spiritualism aside, really hope we can avert climate crisis but not feeling super confident over here.