The last words I had with someone at Pride tonight, someone who I thought was maybe a new friend was - "well, you're not a real woman anyways". to – 216 points –

I should have stayed home with my cats and ordered take-out. The gays are just as transphobic as anyone else. Fuck people. I opened myself up and I'm mad I did.


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I've come to assume that legit everyone, regardless of their political or community affiliation (YES, INCLUDING TRANS PEOPLE/SPACES), is transphobic until proven otherwise. I trust no one these days. But I'm really sorry you experienced this ignorance & harm in a space that SHOULD be accepting... It gets so fucking tiring. You're a beautiful woman and NO ONE can take that truth from you.

That's kinda why I say we're the most discriminated group of people in the world. There's nowhere to be safe, not even in our own communities

The more marginalized your intersectional community, the more discrimination you face from that community.

For example, jf you think it's tough being a woman in the united states, try being a black woman. And if you think that's hard, try being a black trans woman.

At some point, you just lose community entirely, as that becomes a privilege for those less marginalized.