Are there any downsides to hosting your own instance? to /kbin – 12 points –

I'm curious about this, I have a server that I used to use for a Minecraft server, but it has been shut off for a while.

What would be the downside of hosting your own instance? Maybe it would be automatically defederated from other instances?


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I'm pondering whether to embark on that journey myself, as I have a topic that I feel deserves it's own instance. I have some experience in setting up websites (going back to forums days with phpBB, vBulletin, and Invision going through WordPress and Pligg) but those were relatively easy as there were installers and plenty of info online. kbin will be a challenge for sure but also an exciting project I feel.

That's one thing I'm worried about, too. I haven't set up a website before, but I believe I have the skill set to figure it out. Just don't want to waste my time doing all the legwork only for my user experience to be worse due to using my own instance instead of one of the "big" ones.