Inside the AI Porn Marketplace Where Everything and Everyone Is for Sale to – 336 points –
Inside the AI Porn Marketplace Where Everything and Everyone Is for Sale

Each of these reads like an extremely horny and angry man yelling their basest desires at Pornhub’s search function.


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I just retained an LLM on your comment you put on the public internet. You feel violated enough to equate it to physical violation?

Why would I? Folks who have had real nudes of them posted on the Internet haven't felt "physical violation" but they've certainly been violated.

If you had photos of me and trained a porn generating LLM on my photos and shared porn of me, in an identifiable way, I would consider that violation.

But simply taking my words in that simple sentence isn't identifiable, unique, or revealing. So no.

Further, the original point was about the ethics of AI porn. You can't get something from nothing.

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