How does Proton work? to Steam – 24 points –

I got my Steam Deck 3 days ago and I just started exploring it. Given that I already have a large library of games on Epic Games, one of the first thing I did was installing the Heroic launcher. It worked well for some of the games (and not for others... like Hyper Light Drifter ;_; if someone knows how to configure it please help me). What I'm not understanding is: why do I need to have different proton versions installed for each game? Eg: one game requires GE 7.32 (what's GE by the way???), another game version 7.45, another one 7.20 etc etc etc... Why? I already had the latest version (8.0) of proton installed on my Steam Deck, shouldn't it be enough to run all other games being the latest version? 🫤


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Why is your account marked as a bot?

??? Am I? Never noticed that. Imma go check my settings

Edit: Not sure why that box was ticked. Guess I did that by mistake.

Maybe you're a bot but only your subconscious knows it.

Maybe you’re a bot but only your subconscious knows it.

This coming from a guy named "Dandroid"

I mean, if we think of how we sometimes respond to people in a mechanical, maybe even programmed way (e.g. “How are you?” with “Doing fine (though I’m actually not). How’re you doing?”), you ain’t wrong about it.

You can select it yourself on registration in some instances. Probably running some automation from that acc.