Baldur's Gate 3 will be released on Xbox this year, with split-screen features removed for Series S to – 105 points –
Baldur's Gate 3 will be released on Xbox this year, with split-screen features removed for Series S

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Honestly good. As much as I like the compatibility with older generations we're starting to hit the limit, where if we keep forcing devs to support old hardware it's going to hold the new generation back

Just a quick correction: Series S is current-gen. You might be thinking of the One S, which is understandable because Microsoft has a monkey coming up with their product names.

Yup, did mess those two up, thanks for the correction. They really do have the most confusing names. Maybe they were going for a samsung-esque naming convention? But even they did 1, 1S, 2, 2S

I think you’re giving them too much credit 😂

Your original point remains valid though. MS needs to allow devs to adjust games more for the XSX/XSS difference

You're not wrong, but the other fact is the current gen Series S is less capable than the last gen Xbox One X, with less RAM and much slower RAM.

To the point where the Series S can't run backwards compatible titles with Xbox One X enhancements.