7 Post – 130 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Teacher, programmer, photographer, runner

I love Game Pass, but I don't like monopolies. I wish regulators had blocked this. Also:

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Absolutely wild. I used to moderate a local-area subreddit with around 39K members and decided to just cut my losses. Deleted my account and never looked back! I was happy to see that the remaining mods stuck with our 2-day blackout plan.

Honestly though, it was such a miserable job. Constant bad-faith arguments from folks trying to post heinous comments about asylum seekers, LGBTQ+ folks, etc. It really makes you lose faith in your fellow man. I'm very happy to have given it up. I guess this is why Facebook spends millions of dollars on content moderation -- it's very taxing.

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These corporate "apologies" always rub me the wrong way. A policy like this had to pass through so many hands before getting certified. You just know that a whole room full of C-Suite executives genuinely thought this was a good idea and couldn't think through its potential problems.

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Next week: Google is closing down its traffic light program. It's Mad Max on the roads now.

Maybe this is a good excuse for me to (apologies) shake off the Rust and contribute some. I’ve only contributed once or twice to a FOSS project, though, so I’ll need to read up a little on best practices and etiquette.

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Yes, but it's just not statistically significant. Unless we see longer-term trends of her follow count, this could easily be a random fluctuation, bot crackdown, etc.

There was a really interesting interview on The Verge with the CEO of Telly. Basically, TVs are so cheap now because they make all of their profit selling your data. His pitch is "why pay for a TV and then also have your data mined. They should at least give you the TV for free."

It's frustrating because even if we buy a "premium" devices like an LG C3 or one of the nice Samsung TVs, they're still going to spy on us. (PiHole FTW).

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It’s definitely not as comfortable as something like the Steam Deck, but I played so much Switch while commuting on the train since it came out. It’s been a real joy to have. It’s also WAY smaller than any of the current-gen handhelds.

What do you mean by “cart games being downloaded in full to the system?”

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They make poor Guillermo take care of their styling.

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Just a quick correction: Series S is current-gen. You might be thinking of the One S, which is understandable because Microsoft has a monkey coming up with their product names.

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If you're looking for a free alternative, check out how to use Markdown files. Obsidian is a popular (but not open-source) program. The beautiful of .md is that it's plain text and can be easily imported into a variety of applications, including a simple text editor like Notepad. Here's a good overview video.

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Hopefully this means that a PC release is coming soon

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It makes sense — we just don’t understand it yet 😀

I follow him on Mastodon, and I think many regular users misunderstand his specific problems. They're unique due to his huge number of followers, and I think that if we want Mastodon to grow, it wouldn't be a bad idea to include more tools for folks with large followings.

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[Insert Joker meme about sending a message]

I also heard an interesting take from a union organizer: that companies have been able to go so long without having to negotiate in good-faith that they’ve lost the institutional knowledge of how to do it.

The folks playing Starfield on a Steam Deck must be masochists

I don’t have a need for a trackball mouse, but I just want to say thanks for the incredibly detailed review! I still read the whole thing.

I might be in the minority, but I generally prefer to wait and avoid early access, beta, etc. Whenever I participate, I get burned out before the final game releases, so I don’t get to enjoy the complete artistic vision.

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Even if they are acting in good faith, I think they’ve earned our derision and deserve to be shut out. You don’t get to play unfairly for decades then turn around and expect no consequences.

Meanwhile, someone steals a backpack in NYC and languishes in jail for years, then dies without ever having their trial.

A lot of cynicism in these comments. This is a good thing! Hopefully we continue to see this expand to more states and school districts.

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Just stop giving this guy press and airtime.

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One of my students has been begging me to buy Ultrakill since last year, and I keep saying no just to spite him. Maybe I'll finally give it a try!

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Hopefully it’s not a deeper issue with the plane design, but Boeing really can’t catch a break with this model.

I'm glad that one of them is a Bard. Someone needs to play those weird moralizing songs.

Some of my household is vegan, and it's amazing how much things have changed in the last 5-10 years. It's no longer a downgrade for the rest of us when we cook/bake vegan stuff. Although I still think that the best vegan meals are from cuisines that inherently embrace veganism/vegetarianism.

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After living for many years in NYC, I give it 3 days before a group of folks push it in front a train. I wish them the best

I think that it’s actually a good thing. If a criminal record disqualified you, it could be easy to cook up bogus charges against a political opponent just to kick them off the ballot. We also have along history in the USA of black folks getting charged with crimes at a disproportionately high rate.

It’s so they don’t have to pay residuals to all the folks that worked on the show. Otherwise every time you stream an episode, Paramount has to cut checks.

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People don't want to admit it, but going vegan/vegetarian is a HUGE way to avoid zoonotic diseases in the future. Anywhere that groups of humans and groups of animals closely co-mingle is a risk factor.

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To offer an alternative view: nothing! It sounds like you had a great time with the game, and it’s sometimes nice to end on a high note instead of after trudging through a bunch of side content. Besides, I’m sure you have some other games you’ve been meaning to get around to 🤔

It’s not a final ruling, but rather a stay to allow the current system to remain in place until it properly comes before the court.

Thanks! I totally support this move

I think that if we're doing real-history FPS games, I would like to see other conflicts. Give me a War of 1812 game or let me play as a Chinese soldier during Japan's mid-1900s occupation or something.

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Obviously not trying to downplay this HUGE humanitarian crisis in Gaza, but why does media/politics always frame these things like adult men aren’t victims also?

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Nowhere to be found on the New York Times homepage, but they have plenty of space to discuss the inane Claudine Gay happenings.

I feel like the "pirate everything" mindset focuses on shitty corporations but ignores that paying for media also helps the creators pay their rent.

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Easy pathway for some Cat6!

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JWST -- world's best (and most expensive) desktop background generator.

  • Step 1: defund government agencies
  • Step 2: point to “how poorly the government runs”
  • Step 3: campaign on the platform that big government is bad
  • Step 4: repeat until the world is a fireball