Massachusetts to Become 8th State to Make Universal Free School Meals Permanent

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Massachusetts to Become 8th State to Make Universal Free School Meals Permanent

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A lot of cynicism in these comments. This is a good thing! Hopefully we continue to see this expand to more states and school districts.

You have been banned from c/Conservative.

I’m just hoping that we can develop new patterns of dialogue here. On articles like these, I’m already seeing the same types of comments that we’d get over on Reddit, and I bet half of those were bots.

I've also been noticing a recent influx of that kind of toxic, useless, sarcastic trolling "dialogue" that wasn't here a month ago when I made the migration. I hate it

Is acknowledging reality cynicism?

Not sure where that comment is going. This is surely a good thing but it is a drop in a bucket. Adequate social policy is not remedied by one good act. Until every child has access to food at school, there is nothing really to celebrate. Which let's be real, won't be happening any time soon.

We can still celebrate progress, especially at the state level. We certainly shouldn't throw up a Mission Accomplished banner when the same people who refused to feed children in the recent past are going to roadblock efforts in their states.

That’s basically how I feel. People work hard to make progress like this. Is it depressing that we even need to fight for basic nutrition for children? Absolutely! But if we always react to that progress with cynicism and negativity, it might lead folks to work a little less hard next time.