Reddit communities adopt alternative forms of protest as the company threats action on moderators

the to – 490 points –
Reddit communities adopt alternative forms of protest as the company threats action on moderators

Excellent work


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Same, but I refuse to give them my traffic.

yeah same I went cold turkey off reddit for like 24 hours before I realised not going there was a big improvement. Real shame as once upon a time it was a great place to get unique perspectives on interesting issues. Will be missed.

Well the people providing unique perspectives to issues have probably moved. So we move with them. It's not, like, reddit the platform was the one providing those perspectives.

And specifically this is the way that Reddit will stagnate and die.

By pissing off it's contributors and its whole community and them just cutting their losses and moving on.

I had a similar experience; Moved to Lemmy cold turkey and have only looked back to laugh