
11 Post – 153 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Responsibility for access to adult content needs to fall to the parents of minors, not the companies. I'm so exhausted seeing parents responsibilities being shirked and placed onto other entities/people.

My son, 7, gets so upset with me and my wife because we are so unfair, because we don't let him do/watch/play things his friends do. He's 7, he doesn't need to be playing Call of Duty, he doesn't need to be watching inappropriate content, he doesn't need access to TikTok, and so on. I'm forcing my kid to be alienated from his friends because the other parents are allowing children to access things they should not be accessing.

I'm getting all worked up on my soap box, sorry. That wasn't necessary.

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Maybe my little caveman brain just can't comprehend this, but in my head, this is so simple a kid should understand. Corporations have owners, and those owners already vote. Why should they get a second vote? That doesn't make sense to me.

Imagine if phone companies started selling our conversations without giving us a cent for the content.

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Same, but I refuse to give them my traffic.

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Beehaw is for the people who want a safe, friendly place, no one's twisting your arm to be here. People here still have different views and people still argue. It just isn't vitriolic.

I love his videos, especially the video about his toaster. I've actually spent time trying to find that exact toaster at yard sales

Come on, guy, are you farming for an argument? You aren't helping your case by being abrasive

Then they'll target OSHA saying they're trying to keep honest workers from doing their job, a liberal construct designed for lazy people.

I've worked construction for 8 years and employers don't honestly care about following OSHA standards, they only care about getting caught. I've made reports before and nothing happens because they lie about conditions or dress it up. And I was in a union as well.

Yes, but if you fire a spez from a canon into the sun, but no one can see him enter the sun, then does he actually get harmed? No one knows, especially if he never returns!

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I would have probably landed somewhere besides reddit. I considered and tried 3 different options, (Lemmy being the third) and stayed here because I was very pleased by the beehaw community. And it's very similar to reddit, which made the transition easier.

I'm doing my best to ditch reddit, and haven't used it since they announced the API pricing

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I hear you. Make an alt account for those. Slightly inconvenient, but the pros outweigh the cons.

Eating animals isn't the problem, necessarily. It's how the animals are grown and raised like crops is the problem. I have a weird stance on this that looks very contradicting. Humans are animals, and we are engineered to include meat in our diets. However, I don't agree with how the majority of us access that meat.

I'm a strong believer in hunting for food, not sport. If you're going to eat an animal, you should work for it. And be thankful. Doesn't matter what beliefs you hold, you owe thanks to what the animal has provided you.

Meat farms are disgusting. But there's no way they will ever go away. They're much too profitable for companies to give up.

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I would argue real-life is also like this

This thread is so full of good vibes.

Anyway, as a 35yo, there's no cutoff point. It's all culture. Women and men alike will scoff at video-games as children's toys, but it's because of their own culture growing up. There are also men and women out there who enjoy it as well. Typically more men, but not just.

Yeah, like others have said, play them in order starting with 1. If you play them backwards or out of order, you aren't very likely to finish the first one, maybe the second, the first is kind of a slog, but worth playing. This way they just get better each time you go to the next

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People are still free to go there and vice versa. They're just not neighbors anymore. It's a good decision considering the type community this is

Glad to know I was here and did my part by reading this post. We couldn't have succeeded without me!🫡

I'm a new user so I my opinion shouldn't weigh as much as regulars, but here it is anyway.

I support this decision. Some people may jump to it being censorship which just is not the case. They have the freedom to go there if they want to. It's like keeping enablers out of alcoholics anonymous. The AA member can go get booze if they want to. But the enabler shouldn't be allowed inside. If they want in, they need to get in like the other members, not just waltz in through the door while on a kick.

I like this place. I currently feel like it's a great place, and the fact you guys make decisions like this reenforces that.

Take car. Go to mum's. Kill Phil, grab Liz, go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over.

We are animals engineered to eat meat. It is natural for humans to do so. Killing an animal has nothing to do with morality. How it's done does

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These situations make me wonder what I can do to help these people out. Besides echoing my frustrations, there's nothing I can do except vote, which clearly doesn't matter anyway. Well, I'm not a local, either, but hypothetically...

It makes me want to become a vigilante but that's a poor choice, not that I'm even capable.

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There are other self-defense options as well. Lethal firearms could be entirely replaced by non-lethal. If you actually need it for defense, you can still defend yourself with it, but you're going to have a hard time using it for murder now.

You could argue that this would increase the amount of defender deaths because they couldn't neutralize the threat 100%, but it would drastically lower lethal firearm related crimes. Gotta weigh the options.

I'm all for self defense at a distance, I don't want to have to risk a scuffle. If someone invades my home in the night, I don't want to have to fight them. I want them stopped asap with as little force as possible for the safety of everyone, including the invader.

America, fk yeah, coming again to save the mother fkn day, yeah

I am just now playing The Stanley Parable on Switch and am having a great time with it. I'm not a PC gamer, and rarely a console gamer, so I missed when it first came out.

I have recently finished Hollow Knight, Deaths Door and Fire watch.

Hollow Knight was great, and I was pretty sad when I finished it.

Deaths Door is really good, but it felt a little lacking of content to me. But it's a small game and is a good introduction to more complicated games in similar genres.

I liked Firewatch, but I remember being disappointed by it for some reason. I can't remember why exactly.

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It is great here!

I can't do delta 9, or regular marijuana. I have a lot of mental issues, and it has always made me super paranoid, and some other problems.

Delta 8 doesn't do anything weird to me at all, and I feel good

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And pass bills removing free school lunches for needy kids

The only real advantage I can see is they would be another mass of users on the fediverse, which is what we want I suppose. I mean I do want it to be populated, and if more people migrate, it ensures survival of their community. I don't like how we have all scattered to the wind, but it's their choice where to go

I recently moved here and through my minimal interaction so far, I love it. I'm all about positive treatment and inclusion. I have only made two posts (as a somewhat personal experiment to test the waters) which would not have had any attention on Reddit, and people actually talked and congratulated me, which was a very weird but welcome experience.

And I love that the downvote arrow is removed in order to promote discussion rather than just vote and move on.

A service can always improve and get better in some ways, but the stance of beehaw is perfect imo

From my understanding, there's no reason whatsoever to do this besides censorship, for better and for worse. There's a possibility good, and I'm sure the good would happen, but there's an even greater possibility it would be bad for users which would surely happen.

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Somewhere between English and Sumerian

I don't believe this theory 100%, however it is true to some extent. At some point, ai language will plateau out and simply won't get better. Once it's at it's max and has little to learn, they will be so human-like it won't matter if it's learning from itself. The percentage of influence would be so infinitesimal it practically won't matter. At that point it wouldn't be necessary to learn anymore, anyway.

We aren't doomed to write like ai, different themes or stories require different nuances. It's artistic. But it depends on the medium. Sure, resume's, cover letters, memos, emails and whatever may become robotic (aren't they already?) But creative stories won't, to a great extent.

Try using ChatGPT if you haven't. Ive used Reddit in the past for a lot of troubleshooting, but ChatGPT is easier to get the answers I'm looking for unless I asked the question myself. But there's no judgement from ChatGPT lol

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You're a hero

Idk I'm near pulling my own hair out because my son is naturally always contrary and has to cut me off mid-sentence finishing it with completely wrong or unrelated info. Granted he's 7, but he should be getting better, not worse!

A long time ago (at least 15 or 20 years) I played a game on PC with physics like this. I specifically remember driving a Dodge Viper, and every crash would crumple the body a little more where it took a hit. At one point I ended up crumpling the entire car into a single tire I could drive around, as the tires were the only thing that didn't squish.

Anyone know of this game?

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It's an unpopular opinion, but I wish the world would share with the world. It's a lot to ask I guess, but man, imagine how quickly we could progress as a species if everyone in the world truly had the same chance at life.

I'd pay for my neighbors bills if I knew I'd have my bills paid for when I absolutely needed it.

I wish I could move from Kentucky, as well...

My experience signing up involved no pain at all and I personally liked having my application screened. I had access within an hour or two, it wasn't a complicated process and I chose beehaw because of it's community

It seems pretty easy to understand signing up, from my perspective. The hard part is understanding how everything is connected

WHAT?! Is this real life?! THE Fable?? Dear Moses I don't know if I can withhold my excitement. Fable 2 was my top, but I liked the first 3. I don't know if I've been this excited about a new video-game since Majora's Mask