The recession should probably be here by now to – 36 points –

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Name one. Excluding mixed economies and state run capitalist countries.

Then no country meets your criteria. Such a clever way of moving the goal post.

Found one Jangmadang. Maybe. The recently started allowing markets. The goalposts are stationary, it’s the earth that moves. Lol

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If we exclude mixed economies and state capitalist countries we are left with basically looking at historic record so let's do that.

There were recessions in 15the century England, not a capitalist economy at all! There was also a recession in Rome in 33 AD as well if you want to look back further. This is just from 5 minutes of googling.

It is not possible to have an economy that never contracts, just to have one where it happens nowhere near as frequently as our current systems and with far better outcomes for most people.

That wasn’t a “recession.” They called it the Great Slump. (source).

"The Great Slump was an economic depression" the first paragraph on that Wikipedia page once you fix your link.

My comment concerns recessions. Which was coined in 1929. It is semantic. But I’m defending the truth of my comment.

Thanks, I was making an offhand indictment of capitalism controlling most all market economies in the world.

Name one. Excluding mixed economies and state run capitalist countries.

History absolutely has examples of recessions occurring in non-capitalist countries. Here are a few instances:

  • Soviet Union (1980s): The Soviet economy experienced a period of stagnation and recession during the 1980s. A combination of factors including inefficiencies in central planning, declining oil prices, and a lack of technological innovation led to economic troubles. This culminated in the eventual collapse of the Soviet Union.

  • Cuba (1990s): After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the loss of its economic support, Cuba entered a period known as the "Special Period in Time of Peace." This was characterized by a severe economic downturn, shortages of basic goods, and a drop in GDP. Cuba's economy is based on socialist principles.

  • North Korea (1990s): Following the collapse of the Soviet Union and a reduction in aid from communist allies, North Korea faced a period of economic decline in the 1990s. This was marked by food shortages, famine, and a decline in industrial production.

  • Venezuela (21st century): While Venezuela has been characterized by a mixed economy with elements of socialism, it's worth mentioning due to its economic troubles. The country experienced a deep recession starting in the mid-2010s, driven by falling oil prices, mismanagement, and political instability.

  • Cambodia (late 1970s): After the Khmer Rouge regime took control, Cambodia's economy suffered a massive collapse due to forced collectivization, execution of professionals, and isolationist policies. The country went through a period of severe economic depression.

  • Maoist China ("Great Leap Forward", late 1950's): While China under Mao Zedong's leadership implemented communist policies, it's important to note that there were periods of economic turmoil. The Great Leap Forward (1958-1962) aimed to rapidly transform China's economy through collectivization and communal farming, but it resulted in widespread famine and economic setbacks.

Thank you for proving me wrong 😑 Although I might quibble over the Soviet Union as State Capitalism, the others are legit examples. Take note people. This is how it’s done.

I found a comparison of Cuba, North Korea and China’s economies.

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