Trump's mug shotlocked to – 2098 points –

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And it would be better for national unity if one party was allowed to get away with committing crimes without facing consequences?

I've been thinking lately that if Nixon hadn't been pardoned, we never would have been here today.

But that's not the point. Him getting away with it or not, is one thing. The people standing in front of the Jail since 10 am, waiting for him to show up. Eager and sincerely wanting to show him their support. Firm in their belief that he cares or needs the support.

Half of the nation really wants someone like him to be president.

And they stand even stronger by his side, after these last weeks.

This is the tragic message and important lesson from this.

We keep saying "half of the nation" but he's never won a popular vote. It's a cognitive distortion

Half of the nation really wants someone like him to be president.

Not even half of likely voters.