5 Post – 397 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

The meaning of version numbers can vary across projects.

One common scheme is Semantic Versioning, which divides the version number into three parts: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH*

  • MAJOR is incremented when there are backwards incompatible changes.
  • MINOR is incremented when new features are added in a backwards compatible way.
  • PATCH is incremented for smaller big fixes.
  • Each number is reset to zero when a higher level number is incremented.

* It's a bit more complex than this, but this is the gist.

However, Linus's kernel was more elaborate than GNU Hurd, so it was incorporated.

Quite the opposite.

GNU Hurd was a microkernel, using lots of cutting edge research, and necessitating a lot of additional complexity in userspace. This complexity also made it very difficult to get good performance.

Linux, on the other hand, was just a bog standard Unix monolithic kernel. Once they got a libc working on it, most existing Unix userspace, including the GNU userspace, was easy to port.

Linux won because it was simple, not elaborate.

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Linux won because it worked. Hurd was stuck in research and development hell. They never were able to catch up.

This comment is copyrighted by me and licensed to the public under the terms of the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0. If you intend to use this comment for commercial purposes, you must secure a commercial license from me, which will cost you a lot of money. If you violate the terms of the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 without securing an appropriate license, I will send my army of lawyers that I totally definitely have to defend my copyright against you in court.

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They can't even be punished. robots.txt is just a convention, not a regulation. It's totally not enforceable.

The only legal framework we have is copyright law. Those who oppose this behavior will have to demonstrate copyright violation, and that may be difficult to do since the law hasn't caught up.

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\1. Many retro games were made for CRT TVs at 480p. Updating the graphics stack modern TVs is valuable, even if nothing else is changed.

\2. All of my old consoles only have analog A/V outputs. And my TV only has one analog A/V input. The mess of adapter cables and swapping is annoying. I want the convenience of playing on a system that I already have plugged in.

\3. I don't even still have some of the consoles that play my favorite classic games, and getting retro hardware is sometimes difficult. Especially things like N64 controllers with good joysticks.

Studios don't need to do a full blown remake to solve these problems. But I'm also not going to say the Crash and Spyro remakes weren't welcome. Nintendo's Virtual Console emulators toe this line pretty well.

But studios should still put in effort to make these classic games more accessible to modern audiences, and if that means a remake, that's fine with me.

(I'm mostly thinking about the GameCube/PS2 generation and earlier. I don't see much value in remakes of the Wii/PS3 generation yet.)

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Motorola has been in the tracker game since way before Air Tags.

I remember getting a Bluetooth tracker with my Moto X circa 2014. Back when Tile dominated the market.

Apple Security Bounty awards may not be paid to you if you are in any U.S. embargoed countries or on the U.S. Treasury Department’s list of Specially Designated Nationals, the U.S. Department of Commerce Denied Person’s List or Entity List, or any other restricted party lists.

Kaspersky can whine all they want. Russia is embargoed. They're not getting their money.

Kaspersky is a good company doing good work in the cyber security space. Unfortunately, because of the embargo, they may have to turn to the black market to sell future exploits. Or maybe not; I'm not totally sure what kind of ethical standards they have.

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With pipes/sockets, each program has to coordinate the establishment of the connection with the other program. This is especially problematic if you want to have modular daemons, e.g. to support drop-in replacements with alternative implementations, or if you have multiple programs that you need to communicate with (each with a potentially different protocol).

To solve this problem, you want to standardize the connection establishment and message delivery, which is what dbus does.

With dbus, you just write your message to the bus. Dbus will handle delivering the message to the right program. It can even start the receiving daemon if it is not yet running.

It's a bit similar to the role of an intermediate representation in compilers.

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There's a Confederate memorial in the National Cemetery?

What the actual fuck! They were literally the enemy of the United States.

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They didn't even read the headline.

The headline clearly says that Hasbro (owners of WotC/D&D) did layoffs, not Larian Studios (creators of Balder's Gate 3).

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OSX is, though only loosely.

MacOS is definitely Unix. Same syscalls, same command line, same permissions and virtual filesystem concepts. Pipes, text files, all that jazz. It uses zsh for scripting, PAM for authentication, CUPS for printing, OpenSSH for remote access, Unix sockets and virtual interfaces for networking.

Hell, a good chunk of macOS is straight up FreeBSD.

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The 14 year old brother shot his 23 year old sister.

Then the 15 year old brother shot the 14 year old brother, and disposed of the handgun.

The 23 year old sister is dead. The 14 year old brother is stable.

The 14 year old is being charged with first degree murder. The 15 year old is being charged with attempted first degree murder.

The sister had a child, which was not harmed.

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From an engineering perspective, I prefer Debian distros. Apt is the greatest package manager ever built. For a production server, I'd choose Debian or maybe Ubuntu if I needed to pay someone for support.

But for a desktop, Ubuntu kinda sucks. These days, I think I'd recommend Fedora to Linux noobs.

And for my toys at home, I run Arch btw.

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No one gives a shit which phone you have.

In high school, they absolutely do.

Like, the epitome of the high school experience is social peer pressure about dumb shit.

And this can have a huge effect on the market in 5 years time.

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This was only a private GOP vote.

For the actual vote on the floor, some reps may still vote for Jordan, e.g. Boebert has said that she will vote for Jordan.

So there's still a chance that these fucktards can't rally enough votes to elect a speaker.

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Pouring one out for the SREs at Meta

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Clear doesn't skip screening... It skips to the front of the line to be screened.

Everyone still gets screened.

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Which is incredibly dumb.

Setting aside the damage to the economy and just looking at the politics of it:

  • "Republicans hate our troops" is an easy attack. Enlisted service members tend to lean right, and stopping their pay (while still requiring them to work) is going to be a bad look. And all the Dems have to say is "hey look at what the Repubs did to our men and women in uniform." Easy win.

  • It's obvious that the Republicans are at fault for the shutdown. And it's obvious that they're not going to get anywhere. They don't have the votes. When we come out of this with a stupid temporary budget, the Repubs will have won nothing and will look even more incompetent.

  • It gives the Dems easy talking points, while being difficult to defend by the Repubs. Anyone but Trump would get wrecked in a debate with Biden over this. (Trump never says anything coherent, and no one expects him to, which is a huge benefit in a debate. You simply can't debate him effectively.)

Republicans are shooting themselves in the feet, and it's going to bite them in the ass in the general. It just sucks that this will have lasting repercussions on the economy and the strength of the dollar worldwide...

Nit: It's "à la carte" meaning "by the card" or "according to the menu". Often the accent is dropped in English writing, but it's always written as three words.

This is just a stupid, meaningless nit-pick. I totally understood what you were saying, so it's really not important. It's just, the more you know, ya know?

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After two years of development and some deliberation, AMD decided that there is no business case for running CUDA applications on AMD GPUs. One of the terms of my contract with AMD was that if AMD did not find it fit for further development, I could release it. Which brings us to today.


People who push for private healthcare are either the type that could afford it or are the sheep following them.

And the thing is, private healthcare is great for those who can afford it. Both specialists and PCPs are readily available for appointments in the US, and the quality of care is good!... You'll just end up bankrupt if your employer doesn't provide good insurance.

It's fucked up, and it's not equitable. But I understand why it's appealing to the wealthy.

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The state of GPUs on Linux:

  • Want to game: choose AMD,
  • Want to do ML/scientific computing: choose NVIDIA,
  • Want to do both: fuck you!
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Just put the site behind a cache, like Cloudflare, and set your cache control headers properly?

They mention that they are already using Cloudflare. I'm confused about what is actually causing the load. They don't mention any technical details, but it does kinda sound like their cache control headers are not set properly. I'm too lazy to check for myself though...

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Last month, Google, the third-largest cloud provider, started a pilot program where thousands of its employees are limited to using work computers that are not connected to the internet, according to CNBC.

That's not even close to accurate reporting.

They removed internet access from engineers' build machines, not from peoples' workstations.

Builds at Google are reproducible and do not require external network access. See Bazel.

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I really hope the industry settles on Matrix as the standard chat protocol.

SMS and MMS suck. RCS sucks less, but it's still inherently tied to your SIM.

Matrix is what instant messaging should be. But I'd settle for XMPP...

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Most folks are going to say "the country is moving in the wrong direction." That's just a natural outcome of having a centrist (center-right by EU standards) as President in a highly polarized political climate.

Progressives want more social services. Conservatives want to own the libs.

While I would vote for someone more progressive if I had the choice, honestly a centrist may be good to just cool things down. Though Biden hasn't been great at that either.

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Liberal is still too far right.

It's high time we had a strong labor movement in this country.

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VS Codium.

It's VS Code, minus the Microsoft bullshit.

Source code is MIT licensed.

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Unfortunately, those of us doing scientific compute don't have a real alternative.

ROCm just isn't as widely supported as CUDA, and neither is Vulkan for GPGPU use cases.

AMD dropped the ball on GPGPU, and Nvidia is eating their lunch. Linux desktop users be damned.

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God damn it Google.

When I turn on the TV, it's fine if the masthead is a banner advertising a new show. I'm literally using the product to find things to watch.

But fast food? That can fuck right off.

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IFLScience is similar to BuzzFeed.

They churn stories to get clicks and ad revenue. Journalism isn't their strong suit.

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The title makes it read like a state representative to my American eyes.

I don't think anyone would call a city council member a "lawmaker" in the US. We don't even call them "laws" at the city level; they're called "ordinances".

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"When Baton Rouge sends its cops, they’re not sending their best. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

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Putin's strapped for cash too.

The ruble is in the toilet. All of the oligarchs' foreign assets are frozen. The "two-week special military operation" in Ukraine has dragged on since 2022.

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With a headline like that, I thought he died...

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The true Opera fans moved to Vivaldi.

All that is left are those who got caught.

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Yeah. BOTH parties died, and the cops have yet to explain what happened in their encounter with the shooter.

Like, obviously the shooter was a murderer and a bigot. But was he a threat to the cops? I'd feel a lot better if they said something (or maybe that's just not being reported by the news sources I've seen?)

No one deserves to be killed. Even bigots and murderers have that right.

There are a lot of great things about this country, but the gun violence rate is fucked.

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The difference is that Nixon was able to secure a pardoned in exchange for fucking off and staying out of the public eye. And to be fair, he held up his end of the deal.

No way is Donnie going to fuck off.

Boston Dynamics said that, and they have stuck to that commitment. IIRC it's even in the contract when you buy a robot from them that you will not equip it with a weapon.

This article is about Ghost Robotics, which has never made such a commitment. They are known to supply gun-equipped robots to governments at all levels.