How did people refer to clockwise movement before the invention of the clock? to No Stupid – 325 points –

Was there an alternative adjective to "clockwise" other than "the rotation you take around left hand"?

Also, how did all watch companies around the world agree on what the direction of "clockwise" is?


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There is, yeah, /meːd/ and /muːt/

Thank you! That makes sense, I forgot north Germanic languages don’t do final devoicing. In German, the d would be pronounced as /t/ in that position.

You rarely hear voiced plosives in spoken German in general. Negative VOTs are virtually unheard of. The distinction would be more accurate if described as aspirated/unaspirated than unvoiced/voiced.

I guess what I wanna say is that German 'd's are most likely gonna be realized as /t/, no matter where they occur in the utterance.