Amazon is raising free-shipping minimums for customers without a Prime membership to – 246 points –
Amazon is raising free-shipping minimums for customers without a Prime membership

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Good because I won't buy from amazon anymore(actually stopped 2 years ago)! I always search local and I pick up, faster, easier and cheaper most of the time.

I'm trying to move in this direction. I used to use Amazon mostly out of convenience and because they could get uncommon, hard to find stuff to me within 2 days when buying anywhere else would take 1-2 weeks. Now that they regularly fail to even get stuff to me when they say they will, and they are as generally evil as they are, I'm trying to get into the habit of buying from anywhere else.

I know ebay is fairly evil too, but I try to buy them from them if I need something oddly specific. If not, I go local.

Not me fam, the less I have to do, the better. Amazon shipments literally save me 2-3 hours a week from not having to go to the store.

Prime membership ftw!!!!

Not me fam, the less I have to do, the better. Amazon shipments literally save me 2-3 hours a week from not having to go to the store. Prime membership ftw!!!

Its not 2-3 hours, It works well if you order online with pickup option. And to be fair, its useful when I'm about to go home and the store its on my way.