GNOME 45's Nautilus File Manager Gets a Modern Full-Height Sidebar Layout to – 267 points –
GNOME 45's Nautilus File Manager Gets a Modern Full-Height Sidebar Layout - 9to5Linux

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Also looks like it's removing an important visual affordance (i.e., which areas you can click to drag the window), unless I'm misinterpreting it

The top bar has been full of buttons with no whitespace for a year or more now, that's not new (you can still drag the window using the whole bar, but it's definitely not intuitive and made me subconsciously do Win+drag to be safe many times).

This seems to be a relatively minor visual update to have the left sidebar fill the whole window - maybe they want more space for shortcuts at a given window height? No clue.

Edit: never mind, checked again and it's literally just a tiny visual update with no change to the actual content of the sidebar, but it takes some space away from the top bar.

i welcome merging two triple-dot menus into one, according to screenshots.


Thank you internet person, you have changed my life forever.

I absolutely love this shortcut, and have been using it for a little bit. Now I just wish there was one that would let me enter "resize" mode. The idea being that you hold a key down, and when you drag the window it'll resize from corner your cursor is closest to.

Some environments use super+rmb to do that. If yours doesn't, maybe see if it can be set as an option.

Ah! It appears while that isn't a default shortcut in GNOME, you can kinda get that by setting the Resize Window shortcut under Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> Window menu.

It's a bit wonky if you want to resize it diagonally, as it moves the cursor to the center of the window, and then whichever is the first direction you drag the mouse is the edge it snaps to in order to start resizing. Works perfect for top/right/bottom/left, but if you try it diagonally then often it gets one of the other directions instead.

I will however have to remember that shortcut for when I'm on other DEs!

Try can enable resizing with Meta and Right Click in Gnome Tweaks, it doesn't cause to move cursor to the center of the window

Oh my god! Thank you!

I don't know how I've never seen this setting in Tweaks before, I thought I had looked over them all... That does exactly what I'm looking for!

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Yes. That is such a good feature. Before I knew this I don't know how I managed my windows

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