Submarine missing near Titanic used a $30 Logitech gamepad for steering to World – 38 points –
Submarine missing near Titanic used a $30 Logitech gamepad for steering

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This explains everything!

What doesn’t surprise me is that wealthy adventure enthusiast billionaire would think it’s okay to cheap out on something supposed to sustain his life underwater. $30 game controller? Plumbing pipe for ballast? Off the shelf monitors? Is that picture showing they done even have any seats or way to strap in safely? Bolted in from the outside without a safety escape built in? I feel they would have been better off trying to go at it with an old timey diving bell attached to the surface with an air hose. That would have been even cheaper than this underwater coffin they built. At least then they would have been tethered and retrievable.

What doesn’t surprise me is that wealthy adventure enthusiast billionaire would think it’s okay to cheap out on something supposed to sustain his life underwater.

I find that surprising, actually. Cutting safety standards that protect customers? Totally in line with expectations, but normally that doesn't touch the billionaire themselves. The fact that his negligence may have killed him instead of just ending up as a cost of doing business fine for killing other people is... appropriate, I guess?