Duet AI for Google Meet can take notes, summarize, and even attend meetings - The Verge

trashhalo@beehaw.org to Technology@beehaw.org – 54 points –
Google Meet’s new AI will be able to go to meetings for you

Another new Meet feature lets Duet “attend” a meeting on your behalf. On a meeting invite, you can click an “attend for me” button, and Google can auto-generate some text about what you might want to discuss. Those notes will be viewable to attendees during the meeting so that they can discuss them.


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This is cool, but, if you can get by with this then did you really need to attend the meeting in the first place?

And once everyone but the meeting caller sends the bot.... Good luck with that.

The dubious usefulness of AI bots meets the almost unquestionably uselessness of most meetings.

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