Does Anyone Have a TIFU Moment When Cooking? to Food and – 82 points –

I was finishing a jar of extremely hot peppers (7 pot primos) that I had fermenting on Thanksgiving day. I made a hot sauce with them and cantaloupe. I had them in a pan at a low simmer to meld the flavors. The problem was the steam coming off was potent as hell. It filled the house when everyone was arriving and coughing from the hot sauce in the air, me included. We had to open all the windows, dig out the fans to get it out of the house, freezing everyone in the process.


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Please, for the love of god, cut back on your Emoji usage, my eyes are bleeding.

Your eyes are bleeding over descriptive pictures in a personal story. What’s people weird obsession with not using emojis? This isn’t a college essay

If I see a bunch of emojis I just assume it's another lame copy pasta and scroll right by

An emoji or two are fine, but this abomination straight up reduces readability of the stories. Honestly makes me think it's made up by a 10 year old.

I have no issue with emojis but it was a bit jarring trying to read this. It was fine after like a paragraph. At that point my mind just started to skip over the emojis.