3 Post – 99 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

No, you just had a 3 hour learning experience.

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I'm telling you, there will be a streaming service that will deepfake ads into finished movies. Darth Vader will turn at the at the camera and say "No, I am your father... and you should buy the Elon Musk biography on audible dot com for free"

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What do you mean, old reddit has been the only usable reddit for years now.

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Lemmy needs "sort by controversial" for entertainment purposes.

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Fear not, there are also extreme political discussions.

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Vacuum decay, or vacuum metastability event is the possibility in simple terms that the universe itself is not in in its ground state. If that's true, it might spontaneously change to its real ground state. Doing so will change fundamental things like the strength of electromagnetism, the weight of particles and so on. It would literally destroy everything in the universe, and we couldn't exist in what's coming after.

Good news, we're confident, that's probably not going to happen.

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As if american measurements have ever made sense. Look up how they measure screws or wires and despair.

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The random spaces around punctuation bother me more than I'd like to admit.

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So ein Blödsinn.

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Common practice up to pretty recently.

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They are great, but I have two issues with my left handed one:

  • Right handed people just cannot use it, I can't just give someone else my mouse for a minute.
  • For some stupid reason, the left and right mouse button are switched, so now I have to switch it back in software, so now the buttons on my laptop touchpad are switched.
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That's kind of sad.

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Wireless headphones have to be charged so often, it's just annoying. Good old trusty wired headphones never need to be charged.

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They might have to readjust.

I tried clicking on this post, by the feed reshuffled before I could.

Please, for the love of god, cut back on your Emoji usage, my eyes are bleeding.

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easy and fast to use.

It just isn't, if you don't already have an account with them. And even then, I personally find ich horrible to use.

Upvote for using Scala.

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Walking through the Sea of Japan is a bit of a challenge, though.

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But you wouldn't hook up an RSS feed into lemmy, you would use the feed directly.

The interesting part is the user interaction, if it's just a torrent of bot posts no user is interested in engaging.

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Chief O'Brien

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Are you Swiss or something? ẞ is be best letter.

*Hochspannungsgleichstromübertragungsanlage. But I have to admit defeat here, Hochspannungsgleichstromübertragung does get abbreviated as HGÜ, so almost nobody would write Hochspannungsgleichstromübertragungsanlage but rather HGÜ-Anlage, even if Hochspannungsgleichstromübertragungsanlage is a perfectly cromulent word.

The security of Linux 2000 will be based entirely on steganography, Linux founder announces

What's that even supposed to mean

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Depends on the amount of mind altering drugs I'm currently on.

Still have those CDs. Getting a package from South Africa was exciting.

That's the kind of guy who invents the idea of selling a subscription to seat heating in your own car.

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Ubuntu really makes it hard to keep liking it. They keep pushing bullshit like snap.

let there = "light"

That's revolting. How can you eat pop tards, those things are vile.

2 more...,_extend,_and_extinguish

It's happened so many times, and every time people thought "this time it's different".

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The whole thing is a horrible mix of religious, historical, political and economical interlocking conflicts. Can there be peace? I have no idea.

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Also in your blood, brain, tissue, children, pets, ...

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How can I have read dozens of books by the guy and then confuse him for another? Mea maxima culpa.

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Science Fiction and Futurism with Isaac Arthur

How can I have read dozens of books by the guy and not know he did a TV show?!

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Toki Pona is overdoing it, but it's also how Esperanto is doing it: fridujo = cold-container. Also German, now you're mentioning it: Kühlschrank = cold-cabinet.

Mastodon feels like a torrent of random unrelated comments drowing out anything that might be interesting. I tried it, I don't see any value in it. Even for following friends it's unusable, there is the one that posts three times a day and the one that posts once every three weeks, there is no way to ever see one of his posts, unless I specifically go to his profile to look. I've given up on Mastodon.

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Wait until you have to decide between gravel and compacted gravel.

But seriously, asphalt and concrete should be pretty obvious. Alphalt is darker and porous, gravel embedded into an almost gooey (when hot) substance. Concrete is flat, often in slabs next to each other, prone to cracking.

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And you know they'll try to clip its wings, make its output advertiser friendly.