McConnell appears to freeze while speaking with reporters in Kentucky to politics – 1169 points –
McConnell appears to freeze while speaking with reporters in Kentucky | CNN Politics

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell appeared to freeze for about 30 seconds on Wednesday while speaking with reporters after a speech in Covington, Kentucky.

The incident is similar to an episode McConnell experienced at the US Capitol late last month and is likely to raise additional questions about the fitness of the 81-year-old to lead the Senate Republican caucus.

Wednesday’s episode occurred when a reporter asked the Republican leader if he was planning to run for reelection in 2026. McConnell had to ask him to repeat the question several times, chuckled for a moment, and then paused.

Someone at his side then asked him, “Did you hear the question, senator, running for reelection in 2026?” McConnell did not respond.

Article includes video of the incident.


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I'm fully rooting for Mitchs dementia. Much the same as I am a big fan of Limbaughs cancer.

Sometimes nature rolls a nat 20.

I figure a nat 20 in this context would be a little more dramatic than simple sundowning... We could shoot for shitting himself on camera, moments of brutally honest verbal diarrhea, endless painful kidney stones...

Whatever the case, I wish McConnell all the health outcomes he so richly deserves.

I would also wish him the level of healthcare he's supported for Americans in general, but we know that he's rich enough for a proper level of care.

dementia […] cancer

more dramatic […] shitting himself on camera, moments of brutally honest verbal diarrhea, endless painful kidney stones…

Interesting to see a few short moments of temporary and trite social embarrassment portrayed as a worse fate than the gradual and drawn-out ablation of everything that you are.

The dementia is already underway, these would be bonuses. That said, the verbal diarrhea would probably do the world some good - though it's not as though the modern GOP has standards for that kind of thing.